Dave Mogk
Earth Sciences
Montana State University-Bozeman
I am a metamorphic petrologist by training with long-term research interests in evolution of Archean continental crust in SW Montana, and in mid-crustal petrogenetic procescesses (migmatite formation). I have also worked on the surface chemistry of minerals using a variety of spectroscopic methods (Auger and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Time-of-Flight SIMS), life in extreme environments (Lake Vostok ice core, Yellowstone acid-sulfate hot springs), and fluid inclusions of submarine hydrothermal systems. My interests in geoscience (and STEM) education began in 1992 in response to reading Project 2061 Science for All Americans (AAAS, 1989). My first NSF/CCD project was to develop an Environmental Geology Course Using a Question-Asking Problem-Solving approach. At that time I was concerned about the low level of participation by geoscientists in NSF education programs, and subsequently served as Program Officer at NSF in the Division of Undergraduate Education (1995-96). Since that time I have been involved with: teacher preparation (Collaboratives for Excellence in Teacher Preparation); digital libraries (co-author of the DLESE Community Plan and the NSDL Pathways to Progress plans); geo-ed community-building events (Teaching Mineralogy workshop; Scrutiny of Undergraduate Geoscience Eduation; Shaping the Future of Undergraduate Geoscience Education; Using Data in the Classroom); discipline-based education research (Bringing Research on Learning to the Geosciences; co-editor Earth and Mind; NRC report 2012). I am recipient of the 2000 AGU Award for Excellence in Geophysics Education. I have also served on NSF Committees of Visitors, EarthScope Science and Education Committee, EarthChem Advisory Board, GSA Chair of Education Division and Education Committee, Associate Editor GSA Bulletin and American Mineralogist. I have recently been appointed as Head of the Dept. of Earth Sciences (a 3 year sentence), and thus my new self-identity.
Project Leader
Microbial Life - Educational Resources part of Microbial Life
This site contains educational and supporting materials for students and teachers of microbiology, including information about microorganisms and extremophiles, and links to online resources about ecology, diversity and evolution of micro-organisms.
On the Cutting Edge part of Cutting Edge
The On the Cutting Edge Professional Development Program for Geoscience Faculty brings together workshops, websites, and research activities to support highest quality undergraduate geoscience education.
Integrating Research and Education part of Integrating Research and Education
This website contains educational modules and digital library technologies that can be used to translate exciting new scientific discoveries into effective instructional practice.
Website Content Contributions
Activities (15)
Geoethics Case Study: The Keystone Pipeline--Energy, Jobs or Environment? part of GeoEthics:Activities
David Mogk and Andrew Thorson, Montana State University-Bozeman Summary The Keystone Pipeline is a complex project that raises important environmental, economic, and international policy issues. Tar sands from ...
Learn more about this review process.
Courses (2)
Metamorphic Petrology part of Course Design:Goals Database
Metamorphic petrology covers the chemical and physical work done in natural systems in response to changing physical conditions. Petrogenetic processes such as recrystallization, continuous and discontinuous ...
Mineralogy part of Course Design:Goals Database
Introduction to mineralogy includes the following topics: hand sample identification of rock forming minerals, including physical properties, occurrences, assemblages; principles of crystallography and crystal ...
Essays (21)
An Earth Science Curriculum By Design part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Geoscience and the 21st Century Workforce:Essays
David Mogk, Dept. Earth Sciences, Montana State University The Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University, recently implemented a top to bottom revision of its curriculum. We are a department that ...
Conference Presentations (6)
Designing Successful Student Field Experiences: Resources and Strategies part of Earth Educators Rendezvous:Previous Rendezvous:Rendezvous 2019:Program:Poster Sessions:Friday
Field experiences provide impactful learning and growth opportunities for students in STEM and allied fields. There are many benefits ascribed to instruction in the field, including opportunities for learning in ...
Other Contributions (23)
David Mogk, Senior Research Professor, Imaging and Chemical Analysis Lab, Montana State University part of Nanotechnology in STEM:Nanoscience Career Profiles
I currently help manage an analytical lab that uses SEM (BSE, EDS, EBSD, CL), powder XRD, AES, ToFSIMS and AFM ...

Rocky Mountain Section, Geoscience Education Research Division
57 activities reviewed
July 2016 Earth Educators Rendezvous 2015
July 2015 Planning CommitteeNAGT Webinar Series Interest
Nanotechnology in STEM
Geo2YC Community
Advocacy Interest Group
Serving Our Communities
Teach the Earth
NAGT Rocky Mountain Section
Workshop Leader (39 workshops)
May 2022EER 2016 GeoNeeds
July 2016Cutting Edge 2014 Undergrad Research
August 2014
Workshop Participant (17 workshops)
December 2016 PresenterGeoEd Research workshop
July 2016 Geo Ed Research -Rendezvous15
July 2015
Webinar Leader (4 webinars)
April 2019Department Climate and GeoEthics
February 2019Hazards Webinar January 2012
January 2012