On the Cutting Edge Review Processes

Initial Publication Date: August 7, 2011

2017 Activity Review Camp
Earth Educators' Rendezvous

The On the Cutting Edge program has engaged in a number of different review processes over its history. The center pieces of our current work are two peer review processes:

Both these processes include the identification of exemplary materials as a key outcome. You will find the resulting exemplary collections highlighted in search results throughout the original On the Cutting Edge website materials as well as within the broader Teach the Earth portal

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Other Review Processes

User Review Processes

Users of the On the Cutting Edge website are also invited to review activities on the website. If you would like to review activities using the rubric as done in workshops, see the online version of the rubric form. Another option for reviewing activities is to run them in your classroom and observe how well they work. The Using MARGINS Data in the Classroom project has developed an Observational Protocol which has been adapted by On the Cutting Edge for use in this kind of review. To learn more about the protocol, see the Assessing Activities in Action page.

Other Review Activities

A body of teaching activities within the Mineralogy topical area were reviewed for publication in

Brady, J., Mogk, D. W., and Perkins, D., (editors), 1997, "Teaching Mineralogy," a workbook published by the Mineralogical Society of America, 406 pp.

All teaching activities in this volume received two external peer reviews from mineralogy faculty focused on content and pedagogy, and a final review by the co-editors to comply with the publication standards of the Mineralogical Society of America.