2016 Workshop for Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Sciences Departments
Sunday, December 11, 2016, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco
Location: San Francisco Marriott Marquis – Room Golden Gate A
780 Mission Street, San Francisco, California 94103 USA
Workshop registration deadline has passed.

This one-day workshop provided an opportunity for heads and chairs of Earth and Space Science departments to discuss issues and strategies for building a strong department, meet other heads and chairs, and learn more about current issues. The workshop program included the following:
- Welcome by Pranoti Asher, Manager of Education and Public Outreach, AGU
- Introduction by John Gierke, Michigan Technological University and Chair, Board of AGU Heads and Chairs
- Morning sessions:
- Addressing harassment and improving workplace climate (Presented by employee relations and diversity specialists from UCAR)
- Small-group discussions on specific topics based on participant interest (TBD)
- Update from the Department Heads & Chairs Summit on the future of undergraduate education (Sharon Mosher, UT Austin)
- Lunch – small group discussions and business meeting
- Small group discussions continue
- As part of the business meeting during lunch, we will elect new members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Heads & Chairs.
- Afternoon sessions:
- Punctuated equilibrium in the geoscience workforce and higher education (Presented by Christopher Keane, American Geosciences Institute and his team)
- Update about InTeGrate opportunities for 2016 (Cathy Manduca, SERC)
- Update from the National Academies of Science Service-Learning in Undergraduate Geosciences: A Workshop (Presenter TBD)
- A view from the Hill on Science Education (Lexi Shultz, AGU Public Affairs)
- Reception
2015-2016 Board of the AGU Heads and Chairs of Earth and Space Science Departments
John Gierke, Michigan Technological University (Chair)
Gary Solar, Buffalo State College (Past Chair)
Tracy Frank, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Matthew James, Sonoma State
John Geissman, University of Texas at Dallas
Katherine Straub, Susquehanna University
Workshop Support
Pranoti Asher, AGU, Manager of Education and Public Outreach
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Carol Ormand, SERC at Carleton College
Cailin Huyck Orr, SERC at Carleton College
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