Initial Publication Date: March 29, 2011

Institutional Action Plan - Macalester College

Contact: Suzanne Savanick Hansen,
Does the Institution belong to AASHE: Yes

What plans do you have to get your sustainability colleagues together on your campus? When might you get together?

I would like to bring in Mary Savina from Carleton and Jim Farrell as distinguished speakers.

I would also like to target the environmental studies coordinating committee and see if I can get any of those faculty interested in additional campus sustainability topics.

What information would you need to have in order to organize a sustainability education workshop on your campus?

Discipline specific sustainability education information would be a great addition.

When could a workshop be organized on your campus in the next year?

Maybe as part of our faculty development workshop in May or possibly in January.

What potential assets are present at your campus for teaching about sustainability?

Center for Scholarship and Teaching

What potential issues or challenges might there be with teaching about sustainability at your school?

Gaining interest among faculty.

Based on your experiences at this workshop, do you see the potential for collaboration with someone on a different campus around sustainability education?

Yes, I see a great opportunity for collaboration with Carleton and St. Olaf.