Integrating Sustainability into the Undergraduate Curriculum
Lead Institution: Luther CollegePartner Institutions: Carleton College, Macalester College, St. Olaf College
Project Dates: Spring 2010-Spring 2011
Project Goal
The aim of the project is to change the sustainability dynamic on our college campuses by gathering faculty representatives of ACM schools to work together in an intentional and structured way over a full year. The goal of this cross-disciplinary and cross-college collaboration is to develop, assess, and then disseminate well thought-out pedagogical strategies and practical, meaningful, usable activities for introductory courses across the disciplines at our institutions and beyond. A conscious attention to learning outcomes further enhances the promise of this collaborative work among the colleges of the ACM.
Project Activities and Timetable
We envision three main phases of the collaboration over a 15-month period, beginning with the project planning phase in late winter 2010 and culminating with a major event focused on sustainability education in spring 2011.
- 2010 Opening Workshop
- 2011 Culminating Workshop and Conference - April 3-4, 2011
Project Leadership
- James Farrell, St. Olaf College
- Suzanne Hansen, Macalester College
- Steve Holland, Luther College
- Jon Jensen, Luther College
- Ruth R. Kath, Luther College
- Mary E. Savina, Carleton College
- Lori Stanley, Luther College
The workshop is supported by an award from the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) Faculty and Career Enhancement (FaCE) Project.