Instrumentation Sharing

The ACM FaCE program aims to promote collaboration among faculty at the member institutions. In the sciences, this collaboration may be fostered by the availability of specialized instrumentation available at one institution that may facilitate the research of a faculty member at another institution. A visit to utilize some type of specialized equipment could lead to further advancement of both participants' scholarly efforts.

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Results 1 - 10 of 25 matches

Phantom v9.1 from Vision Research with 600 ISO/ASA Color CMOS Sensor: Monmouth College
2 MegaPixel color high-speed camera capable of capturing 1000 frames per second for 1.5 seconds. At lower resolutions, the camera is able to record at a faster rate or longer duration. ...

JEOL JSM-5900LV SEM with Oxford INCA200 EDS: Beloit College
Probe current up to uA, optimized resolution ~5 nm, vacuum ~1 Pa, beam energy up to 30 keV.

See Co Fe-57 spectrometer: Knox College
Variable temperature 295K to 25K, 500G perpendicular field

Becton Dickinson FACSCaliber: Lawrence University
Three color Laser 488 nm, emission 525, 575, 670

Varian 400 MHz: Lawrence University
Indirect and direct probes, temp control, autosampler!

Kodak Image Station 4000MM Pro: Beloit College
4 million pixel CCD camera, 10x optical zoom, 10um/pixel resolution.

240FS AA Fast Sequential Atomic Absorption Spectrometer: Beloit College
With SIPS-10 sample introduction pump system, C2H2/air gas supplies, SpectraAA software.

Nikon Eclipse Ti Invertied Research Fluorescence Microscope: Beloit College
Motorized nosepiece up/down movement, Stroke (motorized): up 7.5mm,down 2.5mm , minimum step: 0.025µm, maximum speed:2.5mm/sec;TI-DS Diascopic Illumination Pillar 30W; Motorized stage cross travel:X110 x Y75mm, ...

Rigaku MiniFlexII XRD: Beloit College
Cu source, vertical Goniometer, -3 – 145 degree, 0.01 – 100 degree/min scanning speed.

Dionex ICS 1000 Ion chromatograph: Coe College
Configured for anions; with autosampler