Information for Event Organizers
ACM faculty and staff organizing a FaCE-funded event should, upon approval of the grant proposal, get in touch with Betsy Hutula in the ACM office for information about budget, registration procedures, and other logistics. Organizers should also review the FaCE Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal and FaCE Guidelines for Collaborative Events for important information about FaCE expectations for follow-up and reporting.
We are especially interested in event organizers keeping these questions in mind as they use this site:
- How will you determine the extent to which the event attains its goals?
- What audiences do you hope to reach through this project and how do you plan to reach them?
- What specific plans do you have for publishing or sharing the work of this event with a wider audience?
- How could the work or ideas developed in this project be sustained in the future? For instance, might it result in "best practice" resources or innovation templates that could be adopted more widely in post-secondary education? Are there funding sources that could be interested in this work, or are there models that ACM and its member colleges might adopt?