Overview and Logistics

Initial Publication Date: September 28, 2016

This free one-day workshop will explore active learning from "Hood to Coast" while focusing on stormwater. You will learn about stormwater management from a City of Gresham engineer, visit the site of a recent (November 2015) culvert blow out and will develop a regional based case study related to the hydrological cycle which incorporates active learning. You will also network and become part of a regional geoscience education community which will continue to collaborate at three future regional workshops.

Workshop Goals

  • Demonstrate and explore active learning techniques to improve student learning and success in the geosciences.
  • Examine local storm water issues and how they can be incorporated into regional based geoscience teaching.
  • Develop potential regional based case studies involving the hydrological cycle utilizing active learning strategies.
  • Continue to build a regional community of earth science instructors and investigate how the Faculty as Change Agents project can support this community.

Date and times

The workshop will take place on Saturday, November 5th, 2016, starting at 8am and ending at 5pm. A tentative schedule is provided in the program section of this page.


Workshop participants are expected to:

  • Participate in all sessions during the workshop, develop an action plan, and complete the end of workshop evaluation survey.
  • Bring a personal laptop computer to utilize throughout the workshop.
  • Complete a required follow-on activity and share with the Oregon team leaders by March 1st, 2017.
  • Decide whether or not to attend an optional social event at McMenamins Edgefield following the workshop.


This workshop is free to participants, thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation.


This workshop is open to local Geoscience instructors at the 2YC level, high school dual credit teachers, and 4YC professors. We are accepting on-line registration from 20 participants at this workshop, but could potentially open up more spaces if there is enough interest. Please register on or before October 28th, 2016.

Facilities, Directions, and Parking

The workshop will take place at Mt. Hood Community College (MHCC) located approximately 17 miles east of Portland at 26,000 SE Stark Street in Gresham, Oregon, 97030. Parking will be provided free of charge. The welcoming reception will take place in the Academic Center Building in Room 1705 starting at 8am.

When driving to the campus from the East, take Interstate 84 to the Troutdale Exit (Exit 17). After exiting the freeway, go south on 257th street (Kane Rd) two miles to Stark street. The college is located at the corner of 257th and Stark with the main entrance being on 257th (Kane Rd). If you are coming from the west or downtown Portland, take I-84 East to Troutdale (Exit 17), continue on Frontage road past first stop light to 257th Avenue and then turn right at the light. Continue on 257th Avenue to the second stop light. MHCC is on the left after Stark Street. See the attached map for directions.

Mt. Hood Community College is located approximately 17 miles east of Portland, Oregon. When driving to the campus, take Interstate 84 to the Troutdale Exit (Exit 17). After exiting the freeway, go south on 257th street (Kane Rd) two miles to Stark street. The college is located at the corner of 257th and Stark with the main entrance being on 257th (Kane Rd). - See more at: http://www.mhcc.edu/DrivingDirections/#sthash.ZZPq4zzH.dpuf. Mt. Hood Community College is located approximately 17 miles east of Portland, Oregon. When driving to the campus, take Interstate 84 to the Troutdale Exit (Exit 17). After exiting the freeway, go south on 257th street (Kane Rd) two miles to Stark street. The college is located at the corner of 257th and Stark with the main entrance being on 257th (Kane Rd). - See more at: http://www.mhcc.edu/DrivingDirections/#sthash.ZZPq4zzH.dpuf.See the attached map for directions.


Lunch is provided free of charge. If you have dietary restrictions or preferences, please notify us when you register for the workshop, or contact Andy Hilt (andrew.hilt@pcc.edu).