CASCADES "Creating Academic Success & Cognitive Awareness Developing Exemplar Students"
Registration Deadline: Friday, April 26th
This event has already occurred.
EVENT DATE: Saturday, May the 4th
LOCATION: USGS Cascades Volcanoes Observatory, Vancouver, WA
Learn about PNW Volcanic Updates from a CVO Geologist
Tour the CVO facility
Brainstorm 40th MSH eruption activities and how you and your students can become involved!
Revisit Bloom's Taxonomy and tie it to classroom assessment
Introduce the topic of Metacognition in the classroom
Continue Geoscience community building
Workshop Conveners
- Oregon "Trailblazers" SAGE 2YC FACA
- Daina Hardisty - Mt. Hood Community College
- Andy Hilt - Portland Community College - Rock Creek Campus
- Eriks Puris - Portland Community College - Southeast Campus
If you would like further information about the workshop, please contact Andrew Hilt @
This workshop is part of the Supporting and Advancing Geoscience in Two-Year Colleges: Faculty as Change Agents project and is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education through grants DUE 1525593, 1524605, 1524623, and 1524800.
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