Regional Network Development
Goals for changes in the regional network
- GOAL 1: Develop a strong network of 2YC Geoscience instructors throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- GOAL 2: Make strong connections with the Geoscience departments at our regional 4YC institutions to provide students with a smooth transition from 2YC to 4YC.
- GOAL 3: Connect with local, state, and federal agencies within the Geosciences to assist students in developing a professional network.
- GOAL 4: Connect with local industry leaders to provide our students smooth transitions from academia into the profession.
Developing, implementing, and following-up on our regional workshops has been the main method of achieving our regional goals. We have really tried to make the regional workshops our number one SAGE 2YC priority since our initiation with this project. Careful effort to provide our participants with relevant, engaging, and interesting locally based case-studies as part of our workshop focus has been a priority. As part of this effort, we have taken significant time to contact local members of our community to present at our workshops in the hopes of inspiring maximum participation. Included in this list are: City of Gresham Civil Engineer, Gresham Hydrologist, Vanport Mosaic Speaker, 4YC professors (Portland State University, Oregon State University, & University of Oregon), Cascades Volcanoes Observatory Geologist, etc.
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We have carefully devised a four year progression of our workshops to mimic the typical college career of a 2YC student starting at a 2YC - Mount Hood Community College followed by a 4YC - Portland State University, then a professional organization - Cascades Volcanoes Observatory, and finally will end next fall at a local firm within the industry - yet to be determined. Most importantly, we have taken appropriate time to ensure that all three strands of the SAGE 2YC project have been incorporated within our workshops to ensure our participants are getting the full message. In our first workshop we highlighted active learning strategies that can be incorporated into participants classrooms thereby supporting student success. In our second workshop we tackled 2YC-4YC transitions, facilitating professional pathways. Our theme for the second workshop, "Vanport Floods," had significant societal implications for Portland, specifically impacting families of color, and has led to new case studies utilized in our classrooms. In addition, we also discussed stereotype threats in the hopes of making our participants more aware of this inhibiting mindset. Both the Vanport Floods and stereotype threat components of our second workshop were included in the hopes of broadening participation specifically of underrepresented groups within our region. Workshop number three revolved around Bloom's taxonomy and metacognition, both strategies to help support student success and broaden participation. Our workshop at the Cascades Volcanoes Observatory again showcased local experts in the hopes of drawing in as many members of our network as possible. With the 40th anniversary of the 1980 Mt. St. Helens eruption, our participants were able to assist the CVO by brainstorming ideas on how to spread the word to local residents (students) regarding volcanic hazards in our region.
We three SAGE 2YC Change Agents have incorporated many new active learning strategies into our own classroom lessons. This list includes but is not limited to: Think-Pair-Share, Minute Papers, Muddiest Moments, Collaborative Finals, Jigsaws, Gallery Walks, Coat of Arms Icebreaker, and Lecture Tutorials. Several participants from our regional workshops have mentioned usage of some of the activities shared. Our regional case studies have also led to newly developed activities for not just the three change agents, but for several other instructors at both the 2YC and 4YC levels throughout the Pacific Northwest. Students have been invited to attend transfer sessions conducted by members our our 4YC institutions. Numerous REUs ( This site may be offline. ) and other research, scholarship, and internship opportunities have been introduced to our students since this project began.