Initial Publication Date: July 30, 2018

Curricular Integration

Suzanne Savanick Hansen, Macalester College

Action Steps

Other faculty and staff at regional schools that should be involved:

Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability
Sustainability Managers: Luther, Gustavus, others?

What is the most important next step needed in your discipline?

As a discipline, where do you want to be at the beginning of the next academic year.

We need some good examples of activities that have used the campus as a teaching tool. We also need a "how to" guide for others.

In thinking towards completing your Disciplinary Resource Page, what kinds of resources do you know are available, and what kinds will have to be found?

  • Campus Based Learning module already exists on SERC
  • Existing examples:
    • Macalester--environmental studies senior seminars calculated GHG emissions inventory and created recommendations for climate action plans
    • Macalester--Ecohouse internship compared energy use of EcoHouse and Japanese house
    • Macalester--potential student projects list available on sustainability website
    • St. Olaf--greenroof on science building designed by biology class
    • St. Olaf--students in Campus Ecology class "annotate" the campus
    • Carleton--class did original wind survey for wind turbine
    • Carleton--class designed and built strawbale warehouse
    • U of M, Twin Cities--Sarita Wetland site of numerous landscape architecture student projects
    • U of M, Twin Cities--water quality management students wrote storm water management plans for all three campuses
  • Articles
    • Savanick, S., Strong, R., & Manning, C. M. (2008). Explicitly linking pedagogy and facilities to campus sustainability: Lessons from Carleton College and the University of Minnesota. Environmental Education Research, 14(6), 667.
    • Wells, C., Savanick, S., & Manning, C. M. (2009). Using a class to conduct a carbon inventory: A case study with practical results at Macalester College. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 10(3), 228-238.
    • Savanick, "Guidelines for college nitrogen budgeting"
  •,, &, 2007, "Case study for evaluating campus sustainability: nitrogen balance for the University of Minnesota",, 119-137.