Overview and Logistics
With the reorganization of the UW colleges and UW comprehensives, many aspects of our teaching will be changing to accommodate these new situations. At this workshop we will be outlining the outcomes assessment data for geography, geology, and meteorology courses in the former UW Colleges. In addition we will address the demographic characteristics of the student population and the success of those students in the courses identified. Following lunch we will tour the Weis Museum and introduce both InTeGrate and GETSI resources and how they may be utilized in the courses which we offer. One of the goals will also be to organize a network of geography, geology, geoscience, and meteorology instructors to help us keep in touch with each other.
Workshop Goals
1. Maintain the already established geoscience network of the UW Colleges.
2. Make broadening participation in the geosciences a goal within individual university programs.
3. Introduce InTeGrate and GETSI resources
Session Topics:
Morning--Introductions, acknowledgements, introduction and update the change agent project
Morning--Presentation of the Outcomes Assessment data for the former UW Colleges. Discuss any comparisons with the 4-year institutions. Also
Morning--Presentation of the census data for NE Wisconsin and Wisconsin as a whole for comparison regarding the demographic groups.
Lunch--Informal discussion of mergers and how they will effect geoscience education in Wisconsin
After Lunch--Tour of the Weis Museum
Afternoon--Introduce InTeGrate and GETIS resources
Afternoon--Discussion of Geoscience Network in Wisconsin
Afternoon--Closing with evaluation, schedule of future events, suggestion for topics at future workshops
Date and times
October 26, 2018--9:00 until 3:30
Workshop participants are expected to:
- Before the workshop: Please be prepared to discuss any changes you have included in your classes as a result of attending previous workshops.
- During the workshop: Participate in all the day's activities, engage in stimulating discussions about our role as instructors and scientists in shaping the future of our disciplines, and complete the end of workshop evaluation survey.
- After the workshop: Become engaged in a network of geography, geology, and geoscience instructors in the 2- and 4- year campuses.
This workshop is free to participants, thanks to funding from the National Science Foundation.
Registration due by October 15, 2018
Facilities, Directions, and Parking
Meeting is located at UW Fox Valley, a campus of UW Oshkosh, in room 1346 (signs will be out to assist in finding the room). It is suggested that you enter through the doors by the Barlow Planetarium which is closest to visitor parking. The following is a link to the campus map and driving instructions: http://uwfox.uwc.edu/about/overview/campus-map
A luncheon is provided, please indicate on the registration form if you have any dietary restrictions.