Workshop Program
8:00-8:15 AM Breakfast
8:15-8:45 AM Introductions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.1MB Nov11 17)
The vignettes 'Look like Me (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 4.9MB Nov11 17)
ICCB Hispanic students (Acrobat (PDF) 175kB Nov11 17) ICCB Asian students (Acrobat (PDF) 175kB Nov11 17)
ICCB African American students (Acrobat (PDF) 175kB Nov11 17) ICCB Other students (Acrobat (PDF) 176kB Nov11 17)
ICCB White students (Acrobat (PDF) 176kB Nov11 17)
8:45-9:30 AM From Implicit Bias to Inclusive Teaching: Having the Real Conversation - Don Gillian-Daniel Delta Program for Research, Teaching, and Learning, University of Wisconsin-Madison. In this session (Acrobat (PDF) 248kB Nov11 17), participants will:
- examine their local context
- reflect on their own identities
- explore inclusive teaching practices
- identify ways to be change agents
9:30-9:45 AM Break
9:45 AM-12:00 PM From Implicit Bias to Inclusive Teaching: Having the Real Conversation - Our Operational Agreement (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Nov11 17)
12:00–1:00 PM Lunch, panel discussion on DACA
1:00–2:30 PM Strategies to recognize and rid your classroom of implicit biases and stereotype threats, Halle Morrison, Malcom X College
- How institutional and personal values shape what we do
- Student - level strategies
2:30-2:45 PM Break
2:45-4:00 PM Teaching and learning across cultural strengths (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 551kB Nov11 17), David Voorhees, Waubonsee Community College
- How does your culture and your student's culture influence your student's learning?
- How can you address those cultural strengths in your teaching?
4:00–4:15 PM Wrap up and final reflections from workshop participants
Please upload your completed Action Plan (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 45kB Nov10 17) to the form on the website.
4:15–4:30 PM Online workshop evaluation