Cultivating Geoscience Students

November 11, 2016
Illinois Central College

This workshop has already occurred.

This free one-day workshop is designed to bring together Illinois two-year college (2YC) geoscience faculty to share ideas and learn about evidence-based practices to improve student participation. This is the first of a series of Fall workshops as part of the NSF-sponsored SAGE 2YC Faculty as Change Agents program which has three components:

  • Supporting Student Success
  • Broadening Participation
  • Facilitating Professional Pathways

This workshop addresses components of the first two goals of the program, with emphasis on increasing the number of geoscience students/majors at our institutions. We invite any adjunct or full-time instructor of geology, geography, astronomy, meteorology, and oceanography to join us.

Workshop Conveners

  • Cheryl Emerson Resnick, Illinois Central College,
  • David Voorhees, Waubonsee Community College,

If you would like further information about the workshop, please contact one of conveners listed above.

This workshop is part of the Supporting and Advancing Geoscience in Two-Year Colleges: Faculty as Change Agents project and is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education through grants DUE 1525593, 1524605, 1524623, and 1524800.

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