PaSSAGE to Student Success In Florida 2YCs

Friday, February 16, 2018

Workshop Agenda

9:00-9:30 Review of Workshop Goals and Introduction of Leaders and Participants

9:30-10:30 Our Different Search Engines: today's students and how they learn

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:45 Strategies from the Front Line: creating geoscience opportunities for high school students--what they have and what they need

11:45-12:15 Lunchtime Discussion about Next Year's Workshop: when and where?

12:15-12:45 Coffee Talk: sipping on all of those little issues for which you'd like some sweet solutions--a gallery walk to address issues associated with dual-enrolled and transferring high school students

12:45-1:15 Geocaching: a virtual exploration of our world

1:15-2:00 Earthquakes and the Earth's Interior: an investigation using human subjects

2:00-2:10 Break

2:10-3:10 Making Connections and Moving Science Forward: creating a state-wide effort

3:10-3:20 PaSSAGE Musings: continuing the conversation

3:20-3:40 Creating and Sharing Action Plans

3:40-4:00 Workshop evaluation and closing remarks

Additional Resources:

Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education in Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC)

The Science Education Resource Center at Carleton College (SERC)

The National Association of Geoscience Teachers (NAGT) and NAGT Geo2YC Division

The Math You Need, When You Need It

Earth Viewer App

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