The ACM Pedagogical Resources project website has not been significantly updated since 2013. We are preserving the content here because it still contains useful ideas and content. But be aware that it may have out of date information. If you're interested in pedagogic guidance you may want to explore the Pedagogy in Action site

Workshop Participants

Coe College:

John Chaimov (, Associate Professor of German and Director of Off-Campus Study
Tom Hicks(, Assistant Dean of Campus Life
Terry McNabb(, Associate Professor of Teacher Education and Associate Dean of the Faculty
Mandi McReynolds(, Coordinator of Service Learning and Leadership

Lawrence University:

David Burrows (, Provost and Dean of the Faculty
Monica Rico (, Associate Professor of History

Beloit College:

Kristin Bonnie (, Assistant Professor of Psychology
Joshua Hall (, Assistant Professor of Economics
Jennie Hartzheim (, Director of Student Activities
Teresa Leopold (, Co-director of the Initiatives Program, Associate Dean of Students, and Director of Advising
Chris Nelson (, Reference Librarian
Sofia Noorani (, Head Orientation Leader
Susan Rice (, Assistant Professor of Music
Amy Saar (, Assistant Professor of Spanish

Workshop Conveners and Staff

Natalie Gummer (, Co-director of the Initiatives Program and Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Beloit College
Elizabeth Brewer (, Director of International Education, Beloit College
Carol Wickersham (, Director of Community-Based Learning, Beloit College
Amy Dooley, ( Intern, Office of International Education, Beloit College