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Example Workspace: Facilitate Brainstorming & Discussion
Needs and Opportunities: Bringing real world examples and experiences into the classroom
Group Leader:
Group Members:
Relevant materials submitted for this workshop
- Developing student literacy on evolving concepts of risk and resiliency and emerging strategies for living with disaster uncertainty - Monica Gowan
- Evaluating Natural Hazards Data to Assess the Risk to your California Home - Corrie Neighbors
- Usefulness of Google Earth/Wikimapia as Risk Predictor and Damage/Resilience Assessment Tools - Charlene Sharpe
- Living in a Hazardous Environment - Eric Kremers
- Natural Hazards and Disasters - Corrie Neighbors
- Social Ecology - Pamela McMullen-Messier
Real-world Examples
- Tsunami scenario affecting California coastal communities (USGS SAFRR project) - Corrie Neighbors
- Hazards and Risks in Kittitas County - Pamela McMullen- Messier
Part 1: Spend 20 minutes discussing examples of activities and real-world examples your group members have used in class that integrate teaching about risk and resilience in the context of your topic. Briefly describe the activity and identify key attributes of these materials that are successful as well as challenges you faced in the integration.
List particular aspects of the activities that were successful in teaching about risk and resilience in the geosciences.
Reporting Area
List particular aspects of the activities that were successful in teaching about risk and resilience in the geosciences.
- e.g. makes material more relevant to students, built quantitative skills from real situations...
- e.g. students had difficulties relating to the subject matter and how it affects them in their daily life
Part 2: Spend the rest of the session focusing on the way forward: what areas are ripe for integrating teaching about your topic in the context of risk and resilience in the geosciences and beyond? What would your group like to see move forward and what would you like to further develop tomorrow?
Reporting Area: List topics of modules or courses that would enhance integration of teaching about risk and resilience in the geosciences (and beyond), expanding on the particular content that can be addressed in each topic/module. This will provide the basis for forming working groups to develop module or course proposals.