Initial Publication Date: February 18, 2010

Each participant in this workshop was asked to write a short essay introducing their work and thinking on the topic of complex systems. They have also been invited to share a teaching activity, course, assessment, related resource, and/or a poster. Follow the links below to read these essays, to see courses, activities, assessments, and resources, or to download posters. You may also download the complete set of essays (Acrobat (PDF) 3.5MB Apr19 10).


Cathy Manduca, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Book: Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth (2006), C. Manduca and D. Mogk (Eds.). p. 77-94. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.
Journal article: Kastens, K., C.A. Manduca, C. Cervato, R. Frodeman, C. Goodwin, L.S. Liben, D.W. Mogk, T.C. Spangler, N.A. Stillings, and S. Titus (2009), How Geoscientists Think and Learn EOS-90-31-2009.html, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(31), 265.
Earth and Mind blog post: Systems Thinking

Dave Mogk, Department of Earth Sciences, Montana State University

Essay: Work Done On, By, and To the Earth: Complex Physical, Chemical, Biological and Anthropogenic Interactions in the Earth System
Book: Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth (2006), C. Manduca and D. Mogk (Eds.). p. 77-94. Geological Society of America, Boulder, CO.
Journal article: Kastens, K., C.A. Manduca, C. Cervato, R. Frodeman, C. Goodwin, L.S. Liben, D.W. Mogk, T.C. Spangler, N.A. Stillings, and S. Titus (2009), How Geoscientists Think and Learn EOS-90-31-2009.html, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(31), 265.
Earth and Mind blog post: Through a Lens Darkly and Then Face to Face

David Bice, Department of Geosciences, The Pennsylvania State University

Essay: Modeling as a Way of Learning About Complexity of Earth Systems
Teaching activities: Modeling the oceanic thermohaline circulation with STELLA and Modeling Daisyworld
Journal article: Bice, D. M., 2006, STELLA modeling as a tool for understanding the dynamics of Earth systems, IN Manduca, C. A., and Mogk, D. W., eds. Earth and Mind: How Geologists Think and Learn about the Earth : Geol. Soc. America Special Paper 413, p. 171-185.
Web resource: Exploring the Dynamics of Earth Systems: a guide to constructing and experimenting with computer models of Earth systems using STELLA

Eric Pyle, Department of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University

Essay: Connecting Science Pedagogy with Complex Earth Systems Thinking: A Non-Linear, Sensitive-Dependent Journey
Teaching activity: Web-o-Cycles
Posters: Evolution of Complex Earth Systems (Acrobat (PDF) 178kB Apr16 10) and Chaos/Complex Systems Theory Learning Progression (Acrobat (PDF) 163kB Apr16 10)

Jim Slotta, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto

Jim's Essay
Journal article: J.D. Slotta and M.T.H. Chi (2006). Helping Students Understand Challenging Topics in Science Through Ontology Training. Cognition and Instruction, 24(2) 261-289.

Invited Speakers

Lynn Fichter, Departments of Geology and Environmental Science, James Madison University

Essay: Complex Systems as Evolutionary Systems
Teaching activity: Teaching Chaos and Complex Evolutionary Systems Theories at the Introductory Level
Course: Environmental Systems Theory 
Posters: Evolution of Complex Earth Systems (Acrobat (PDF) 178kB Apr16 10) and Chaos/Complex Systems Theory Learning Progression (Acrobat (PDF) 163kB Apr16 10)
Web resource: Teaching Chaos and Complex Evolutionary Systems Theories at the Introductory Level

Bruce Grant, Departments of Biology and Environmental Science, Widener University
Kim Kastens, Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University

Essay: Using Logic Diagrams to Organize One's Knowledge and Pinpoint One's Ignorance concerning Complex Earth Systems
Web resource: Earth and Mind: the Blog posts about Systems Thinking
Journal article: Kastens, K., C.A. Manduca, C. Cervato, R. Frodeman, C. Goodwin, L.S. Liben, D.W. Mogk, T.C. Spangler, N.A. Stillings, and S. Titus (2009), How Geoscientists Think and Learn EOS-90-31-2009.html, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(31), 265.

Greg Marfleet, Department of Political Science, Carleton College

Essay: Exploring Complex Systems in the Social Sciences
Teaching activity: The Standing Ovation Problem

Neil Stillings, School of Cognitive Science, Hampshire College

Journal article: Kastens, K., C.A. Manduca, C. Cervato, R. Frodeman, C. Goodwin, L.S. Liben, D.W. Mogk, T.C. Spangler, N.A. Stillings, and S. Titus (2009), How Geoscientists Think and Learn EOS-90-31-2009.html, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(31), 265.


Carol Ormand, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College
Linda Goozen, Science Education Resource Center, Carleton College

Workshop Participants

Sarah Bednarz, Department of Geography & College of Geosciences, Texas A&M University

Essay: Human Geography & Spatial Thinking: Pathways to Understanding Complex Systems
Teaching activities: Boomburbs and the Causes and Effects of ENSO
Web resource: The Prezi Website 

Louisa Bradtmiller, Department of Environmental Studies, Macalester College

Essay: Two approaches to introductory courses in complex systems
Teaching activity: Review exercise for Environmental Science course
Course: The Earth's climate system

Elena Bray Speth, Department of Biology, Saint Louis University

Elena's Essay
Teaching activities: Deriving Common Model Characteristics and Evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Course: Organisms and Populations
Assessment: Concept Modeling Assessment

Sarah Brem, Division of Advanced Studies in Learning, Technology and Psychology in Education, Arizona State University 

Essay: Cognitive and Affective Aspects of Complexity and Emergence
Sarah's Criteria for Complex Systems (Acrobat (PDF) PRIVATE FILE 97kB Apr19 10)

Colleen Buzby, School of Education and Social Policy, Office of STEM Education Partnerships, Northwestern University 

Colleen's Essay
Web resource: Globe Watersheds Module 1: Water Availability (more info)
Poster from 2009 ESRI Education Users Conference: Investigating Watershed Dynamics in the Classroom (Acrobat (PDF) 5.3MB Apr1 10)

Vincent Devlahovich, Department of Geology, College of the Canyons

Essay: Teaching Systems Thinking in the Earth Sciences 
Teaching activity: California Climate: Pacific Ocean Connection
Assessment: Final Exam Diagrams

Barb Dutrow, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University 

Essay: Minerals as recorders of complex systems with coupled processes
Teaching activity Deciphering complex fluid-mineral interactions in the palm of your hand
Course url: Scientific Communication and Visualization

Trish Ferrett, Department of Chemistry, Carleton College 

Essay: Circling Complexity: Abrupt Change in Climate & Human Networks
Teaching activities: The Tip-It Game class activity and Peer Review of Multimedia Websites Authored by Student Teams
Web resource: Research Study on Student Learning in a First-Year Seminar on Abrupt Climate Change (more info)

Bruce Fouke, Departments of Geology and Microbiology and Institute for Genomic Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Essay: Systems Geobiology: CaCO3-Water-Microbe Feedback Interactions in Hot Springs and Coral Reef Ecosystems
Teaching activity: Systems Geobiology Powers of 10

Catherine Gautier, Department of Geography, UCSB

Essay: Multidimensional Teaching About Climate Change: A Complexity Perspective
Course: Oil, Water and Climate
Assessment: Understanding What Students Know about Global Climate Change: Conceptual Understanding Evaluation using Concept Maps
Journal article: A personal Experience of Designing Earth System Science Instruction based on Learner-Centered Environment Paradigm  
Book: Oil, Water and Climate: An Introduction

Deborah Gross, Department of Chemistry, Carleton College

Essay: Teaching Students to Work Within the Environmental Analysis Literature
Teaching activity: Choosing Papers
Course: Environmental Analysis

Vicki Hansen, Department of Geological Sciences, University of Minnesota Duluth

Essay: Complex Systems
Teaching Activities: Play With Your Food and Water: Where, What, Why, How?

Bruce Herbert, Department of Geology and Geophysics, Texas A&M University

Essay: Student Learning of Complex Earth Systems
Teaching activity: Watershed Management
Course: Principles of Environmental Geology

Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Department of Educational Psychology, Rutgers University

Essay: Challenges in Learning about Complex Systems
Assessment: Aquarium Ecosystem Assessment
Web resource: [link 'Representational Tools to Support Understanding of Complex Biological Systems']

Journal article: Focusing on function: Thinking below the surface of complex natural systems

Stephen Hurst, Department of Geology, University of Illinois

Stephen's Essay
Teaching activity: Thermal Exhumation Model
Course: Modeling Earth and Environmental Systems

Cailin Huyck Orr, School of Earth and Environmental Science, Washington State University

Cailin's Essay
Teaching activities: Review for interdisciplinary science course (stream ecology, watersheds) and Scenario building to understand complex systems

Andy Johnson, Center for the Advancement of Math and Science Education, Black Hills State University

Essay: What ideas from physics education research can be useful in teaching complex systems?
Teaching activity: Petroleum Depletion by Inquiry
Assessment: Tragedy of the Commons Homework
Poster: Differentiating Electrical Energy from Current - A Challenging Conceptual Change (Acrobat (PDF) 896kB Apr19 10)

Peter Lea, Department of Geology, Bowdoin College 

Essay: Where do complex systems fit in the undergraduate curriculum?
Teaching activity: Tracers in the hydrologic cycle: A jigsaw activity

Ann Linsley, Departments of Social Studies and Science, Bellaire High School

Essay: Integrated GeoScience in High School
Teaching activity: Mining - Least Cost Lab
Course: IB/AP Geography

Tammy Long, Department of Integrative Studies in Biology, Michigan State University

Tammy's Essay
Teaching activities: Deriving Common Model Characteristics and Evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Course: Organisms and Populations
Assessment: Concept Modeling Assessment

Robert MacKay, Departments of Physics, Meteorology, and Environmental Science, Clark College and Washington State University

Essay: Perspective on Complex Systems
Teaching activities: Water Bucket Lab Activity and Atmospheric methyl chloroform: a leaky water tank example
Web resource: Mathematics and Statistical Models (Part of the Teaching Quantitative Skills in the Geosciences project.)
Poster: Generic structure: leaky water tank and applications (PowerPoint 739kB Apr9 10)

Karen McNeal, Department of Geosciences, Mississippi State University

Essay: Teaching and Learning about Complex Biogeochemical Processes in the Earth System
Teaching activity: Coastal Margins Lab
Course: Biogeochemical Processes and Cycles
Journal article: The Effect of Using Inquiry and Multiple Representations on Introductory Geology Students' Conceptual Model Development of Coastal Eutrophication

Kirsten Menking, Department of Earth Science and Geography, Vassar College

Essay: Modeling the Earth
Teaching activities: Modeling Earth's Energy Balance and Daisyworld Model
Poster: Numerical Modeling in Undergraduate Earth and Environmental Science Programs (Acrobat (PDF) 704kB Apr8 10)

Jennifer Momsen, Department of Plant Biology, Michigan State University

Jennifer's Essay
Teaching activities: Deriving Common Model Characteristics and Evolution of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Course: Organisms and Populations
Assessment: Concept Modeling Assessment

James Myers, Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wyoming

Essay: Tackling the Grand Challenges: The Role of Complexity in Student Preparation
Teaching activity: Coal: China, Energy and Kyoto - I. Evaluating Coal Leases for Possible Mining
Course: Energy: a Geological Perspective

Federica Raia, Department of Earth and Atmospheric Science, City College of New York of CUNY

Essay: Causality in Complex Systems: the Role of Pattern Recognition
Teaching activity: Global Patterns
Journal article: Causality in Complex Dynamic Systems: A Challenge in Earth Systems Science Education

Paul Riley, Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Essay: A Graduate Student's Persepective on designing a nonlinear dynamics course for geoscience

Noelle Selin, Engineering Systems Division, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Essay: Understanding Interactions of Human and Natural Systems
Teaching activity: Interactive Model Problem Set
Course: Systems Modeling and Assessment for Policy

Cindy Shellito, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Northern Colorado

Essay: Introducing students to the complexities of the atmosphere and climate system
Teaching activity: Climate Around the World
Course: Climatology
Poster: Using Global Climate Models in the Classroom to Explore the Complexities of Climate Dynamics (Acrobat (PDF) 4.7MB Apr17 10)

Nikki Strong, Department of Environmental Studies, St. Olaf College

Essay: Rivers as Complex Systems
Web resources: Some useful Non-dimensional Numbers in Geomorphology and the Art of Deriving New Ones and The Experimental Earthscape Facility (XES Basin or "Jurassic Tank")
Visualization: (WARNING: 31 MB) Analyze This: Fluvial landscape dynamics recorded in the rock record (Acrobat (PDF) 30.9MB Apr5 10)

Vanessa Svihla, Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley

Essay: Complex systems for middle school science
Teaching activity: Modeling Global Climate Change
Assessment: MySystem and Energy Story
Poster: Assessments as Complex Systems Learning Events: Tensions and Opportunities (Acrobat (PDF) 5.6MB Apr8 10)

Jeff Wilson, Departments of Chemistry and Environmental Sciences, University of Texas at Brownsville

Jeff's Essay
Teaching activity: Project Topic Mind Map
Course: Conservation of Natural Resources

Dan Zalles, SRI International

Essay: Teaching About River Systems to High School and Undergraduate Students
Teaching activities: Lessons on River Ecosystems and Alternative Futures Lesson
Poster: Collaborative Research: Data-driven Inquiry in Geoscience Environmental Restoration Studies (DIGERS) (Acrobat (PDF) 890kB Apr12 10)