Module Assignments
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Initial Assignments
Workshop attendees: Search this page for your name to see your initial module assignment.
Please know that we did our best to give people their higher priority assignments. However, it was a complex task to make assignments while balancing the different participants' interests and also giving attention to modules with greater needs. In a few cases, we assigned modules outside a person's indicated primary interest; we strove to at least keep the assignments within a similar content area. Thanks for your understanding and your contributions to this effort!
Also, there is quite a bit of variability on the likely scope of needed updates for different modules. Some people may end up working on more than one between the workshop and post-workshop time.
- Eyes on the Hydrosphere: Tracking Water Resources - Amber Ignatius; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes - Freddi-Jo Bruschke; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Measuring the Earth with GPS: Plate Motion and Changing Ice-Water - Rachael Detraz; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Monitoring Volcanoes and Communicating Risks - Christopher Berg; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes - Phil Resor; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Measuring Water Resources with GPS, Gravity, and Traditional Methods - Md Kibria; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Modeling Flood Hazards - Ben Maas; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Understanding Our Changing Climate: Data Behind Melting Ice and Changing Sea Level - Sandrine Matiasek, Kitri Spencer, Ann Thomas; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Climate of Change: Interactions and Feedbacks Between Water, Air and Ice - Katy Sparrow & Leah Joseph; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Critical Zone Science - Sarah Williams; Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
- An Ecosystem Services Approach to Water Resources - Kyle Fredrick; Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
- Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources - Angie Allison; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources - Spanish Adaptation - Silvia Jessica Mostacedo Marasovic; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Exploring Geoscience Methods - Jennifer Wenner; Leadership contact: Ellen (tracking workspace)
- Humans' Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources - Joy Branlund; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Lead in the Environment - Geoffrey Siemering; Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
- Living on the Edge: Building resilient societies on active plate margins - Laurel Goodell; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Major Storms and Community Resilience - Lisa Doner; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Mapping the Environment with Sensory Perception - Michael Phillips; Leadership contact: Ellen (tracking workspace)
- Water, Agriculture, and Sustainability - Jeff Simpson; Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
Post-workshop Assignments
We assigned people to units, but you are welcome to trade assignments with others assigned to the same module, if you mutually agree. Record any changes below.
If you cannot finish the full assignment in ~10 hours after the workshop (or multiples thereof if you are doing more than one "stipend" worth), please indicate in the tracking workspace what you did and where you left off and also communicate with your leader contact.
- Cli-Fi: Climate Science in Literary Texts - Leadership contact: Ellen (tracking workspace)
- Rachael Detraz - all
- Earth's Thermostat - Leadership contact: Ellen (tracking workspace)
- Angela Allison - Units 1, 2
- Jennifer Wenner - Units 3, 6
- Phil Resor - Units 4, 5 (+ optional activity)
- Ocean Sustainability - Leadership contact: Ellen (tracking workspace)
- Chris Berg - Unit 1
- Joy Branlund - Unit 2
- Lisa Doner - Units 3-6
- Water Sustainability in Cities - Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
- Silvia Jessica Mostacedo Marasovic - Units 1-2
- Md Kibria - Units 3-4
- Ben Maas - Units 5-6
- Sarah Williams - Units 7-8
- Kyle Fredrick - Unit 9
- A Growing Concern: Sustaining Soil Resources through Local Decision Making - Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
- Geoffrey Siemering - all
- Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Activity - Leadership contact: Sandrine (tracking workspace)
- Michael Phillips - Unit 1
- Freddi-Jo Bruschke - Units 2-5 (+ prep exercise)
- Surface Process Hazards: Living with Landslides - Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Laurel Goodell - all
- Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability (GREENS) (note: this is a course, not just a module; may need more than one person) - Ann; Leadership contact Beth/all (tracking workspace)
- Carbon, Climate, and Energy Resources - Reviewer: Ann; Leadership contact Beth/all (tracking workspace)
- Systems Thinking - Reviewer: Ann; Leadership contact Beth/all (tracking workspace)
Higher Priority Future Assignments
If you finish your first assignment, talk to workshop leaders. Modules/courses are listed below in order of priority.
- Modeling Earth Systems (note: this is a course, not just a module; may need more than one person) - Reviewer(s) TBD; Leadership contact: Rachel (tracking workspace)
Other task
One of the workshop goals involves recommendations that we will produce for the wider community. It would be valuable for a couple of people to take the "brainstorming ideas" from the whole group and condense them down to a tractable set of bullets that others can respond to. Talk to Beth if you are interested in working with 1-2 others on this. (Note: this is similar to what was done for the Capstone Field/Remote Learning Outcomes in 2020)
Lower Priority Future Assignments
- Imaging Active Tectonics with InSAR and LiDAR Data - Reviewer(s) TBD; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Planning for Failure: Landslide Analysis for a Safer Society - Reviewer(s) TBD; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Analyzing High Resolution Topography with TLS and SfM - Reviewer(s) TBD; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- High Precision Positioning with Static and Kinematic GPS/GNSS - Reviewer(s) TBD; Leadership contact: Beth (tracking workspace)
- Changing Biosphere - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- Food as the Foundation for Healthy Communities - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- Map Your Hazards! â€" Assessing Hazards, Vulnerability and Risk - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- Regulating Carbon Emissions - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- Soils, Systems, and Society - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- The Wicked Problem of Global Food Security - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace)
- Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes - Reviewer(s) TBD (tracking workspace) (note: AnnT took a short look at it but never had time to start in a significant way)