Getting the Most Out of your Teaching Assistant (TA) Experience

Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am SERC Building - 208


Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University

In this workshop, we will help graduate students build their skills as teaching assistants (TAs) and articulate those skills in light of future careers. Participants will develop skills and confidence for facilitating data-rich learning activities, explore strategies for fostering inclusive and supportive learning environments, and recognize and communicate the important skills they develop as a TA. While the primary audience for the workshop is graduate students, senior undergraduates, post-docs, and faculty interested in providing professional development for TAs are also welcome.


As a graduate teaching assistant (TA), you may be the first point of contact for a student needing help, and you play a critical role in creating inclusive and supportive learning environments. This workshop is designed to help you build your confidence and skills in the various roles that you play in supporting undergraduate geoscience students. You will leave with new ideas and strategies, and an action plan for continuing to build and document your skills.

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Target Audience

This workshop is designed for graduate students who are or will be teaching assistants and are interested in improving their skills. Senior undergraduates, post-docs, and faculty interested in doing professional development for TAs may also benefit from the workshop.


By the end of this workshop, participants will:

  • Develop skills and confidence in using equitable and effective teaching strategies
  • Develop strategies for performing duties efficiently and effectively while supporting all students
  • Recognize and communicate the important skills developed as a teaching assistant


This workshop will be highly interactive. You can expect to discuss topics with peers, work through case studies in groups, and develop a personal action plan.

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