Teaching with Investigation and Design in the Undergrad Science Classroom

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am SERC Building - 108A


Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Angela Daneshmand, Santiago Canyon College
Natalie Bursztyn, The University of Montana-Missoula

Are you ready to rethink your introductory Earth or physical science course to focus on actively engaging students in investigations and productive discussions? Would you like your course to promote equitable sensemaking and highlight diversity in the sciences? In this workshop, you will explore new materials developed, tested, and refined by the Teaching with Investigation and Design in Science (TIDeS) project, learn about how the use of these materials has impacted student success, including their attitudes and beliefs, and work with leaders and other participants to develop a plan for implementing the new materials in your own teaching. A limited number of $500 stipends are available to eligible participants* to support participation in the workshop; we will prioritize applicants who can broaden the materials reach, be advocates for change, and may not normally attend the Earth Educators' Rendezvous. Apply using this stipend application form.

*Stipends are NSF-funded so recipients must be a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident, or in the employ of a U.S. institution. Participants may choose to waive stipends. All participants are expected to participate in the entire workshop. All stipends will be disbursed after the Rendezvous.


The vision of the Teaching with Investigation and Design in Science (TIDeS) project is that future K-12 teachers will experience learning science as undergraduates the way we expect them to teach science in their classrooms. Faculty at different institution types from across the country have been working in teams to develop new materials to implement this style of teaching in their introductory Earth science and physical science courses; in this workshop, we will share these new materials with participants and support them in implementing this approach and these materials in their courses.

Workshop Program »

Click to view or download the webinar recording (MP4 Video 319.3MB Apr14 24).

Target Audience

This workshop is designed for college educators who teach introductory undergraduate physical and/or Earth science courses, in particular courses that enroll future teachers and general education courses. Participants who will benefit most from the materials presented and time to redesign their courses are those who wish to engage in equity-focused, student-centered teaching, and have some experience with active learning practices (even if you have not yet implemented in their own classrooms). If you are looking for information about the TIDeS project, watch the recent NAGT webinar recording on the right side of the page. You can also review the goals and webinar resources on the Teaching with Investigation and Design webinar webpage.


By the end of this workshop, you will:

  • Become familiar with the TIDeS project, our guiding principles, and approach to teaching
  • Engage with the new TIDeS materials as students and as instructors
  • Learn about results of research showing the impact of the new materials on students and instructors
  • Develop an action plan and curriculum outline for implementing at least one unit in your course
  • Learn about ways to further participate in the TIDeS project


This will be a highly interactive and productive workshop that includes brief presentations, engagement in activities, time to explore materials individually and in groups, discussion and planning for change in your teaching.

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