Using Online Quizzes to Promote Effective Student Learning Strategies

Instructors can intentionally structure their courses to incorporate online quizzes designed to promote two proven learning strategies: distributed learning and practice testing. This workshop will introduce you to a quizzing system containing more than 2,000 questions that are linked with specific learning objectives appropriate for multiple introductory geoscience courses (e.g., Physical Geology, Oceanography, Earth Science). Quizzes are administered through CLASS (Confidence-based Learning Accuracy Support System;, a web-based system developed through NSF-supported research and road-tested in a range of institution-types. Course quizzes have been used to help students demonstrate their mastery of content and guide them to calibrate their learning against topic-specific learning objectives. CLASS also provides instructors with novel metrics they can then use to develop interventions to improve student outcomes. Please join us as we introduce you to the CLASS resources, provide you with access to question banks, and help you plan to use student-friendly quizzes to enhance learning in your courses.
Research in educational psychology has provided the theoretical framework of self-regulated learning (SRL) to explain some of the disparities in student learning outcomes. Instructors can intentionally structure their courses to introduce activities that scaffold SRL skills students need to perform successfully. Towards this end, we have situated online quizzes into multiple introductory geoscience courses (e.g., Physical Geology, Oceanography, Earth Science) across a range of institution-types to promote two proven learning strategies: distributed learning and practice testing. Quiz questions are aligned with specific learning objectives that help direct student practice. Additionally, our repository of thousands of questions makes it possible for instructors to create quizzes specific to their courses.
Quizzes are administered through CLASS (Confidence-based Learning Accuracy Support System;, a web-based quizzing system developed through NSF-supported research. CLASS allows students to demonstrate their mastery of content and provides them with feedback related to the accuracy of their perceptions of their learning. CLASS also provides instructors with novel metrics they can then use to develop interventions to improve student outcomes. This workshop will discuss the characteristics of effective learning strategies, provide participants with access to our question banks, and help them develop a roadmap to using the CLASS tool in their courses.
Target Audience
This workshop is designed for any educator interested in increasing the levels of both course structure and metacognitive support in their courses. We will guide participants towards generating the learning objectives and requirements to use the CLASS quizzing tool both as a student and as an instructor. While we have ready-made resources for college-level introductory geoscience courses (e,.g, physical geology, earth science and oceanography), CLASS can be applied in any discipline. All participants should bring course materials to build from/redesign as well as a laptop or similar device. We will work in a cooperative environment to develop collaborative spaces. This workshop is suited for all instructors, particularly those at 2Y and 4Y colleges, early-career faculty, and graduate students. Basically, anyone interested in generating a clear, inclusive and effective learning environment!
As a result of participation in the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Create student learning objectives representing lower and higher order learning tasks
- Identify relevant learning objectives for their courses from a list to generate quizzes from existing resources
- Add content to the CLASS system and share quizzes to facilitate student formative assessment
- Explain feedback provided from CLASS related to student performance and the accuracy of their perceptions to inform instruction
Each day will include an introduction to the topic(s) for the day, collaborative activities designed to provide participants opportunities for guided practice in applying key concepts, opportunities to work with the CLASS quizzing tool, participants working on materials for their own classes, and a final opportunity for reflection about each morning's tasks...and more!