Theme: Curriculum Design

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Curriculum Design.

Teaching for Quantitative Literacy in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Lindley: 307

Jennifer Wenner, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

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Participants will work in small groups to integrate quantitative literacy into a pre-existing geoscience course (both introductory and upper-level courses are appropriate). Groups will consider appropriate ...
Teaching Online WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Ritchie Hall: 366

Adrianne Leinbach, Wake Technical Community College
Bridget James, San Francisco State University

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This workshop is geared toward those already teaching online but will also benefit those just starting with online instruction. Workshop leaders have a combined total of 30 years of teaching online. Collaborations ...
Preparing for an Academic Career WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Burge Union Forum C/D

Lisa Gilbert, Cabrillo College
Lynsey LeMay, Virginia Peninsula Community College
Catherine Riihimaki, 2NDNATURE Software
Sue Ebanks, Savannah State University
Gary Weissmann, University of New Mexico-Main Campus

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This workshop is designed specifically for graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and others who are interested in pursuing academic careers in the geosciences. Workshop leaders will provide guidance and ...
Changing the Climate of your Climate Change Lessons WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8:30am-11:30am Lindley: 123

Laura Rowan Hollister, Pitman High School
Ryan Hollister, Modesto Junior College
Robin Matthews, IPCC WGI Technical Support Unit

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A phenomena-based, active learning experience for K-12 & intro level college instructors who teach climate change as part of their curriculum. Experience how to make cutting-edge climate data come to life in ...
Paleobiology Database Educational Resources AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 1:30pm-4:00pm Slawson: G177

Mark Uhen, George Mason University

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The workshop will be to introduce the Paleobiology Database and its open capabilities to instructors who would like to use it to teach concepts of earth history, evolution, and paleobiology to their students of any ...
There's Money in Muck: A sustainability study focused on biogas AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 1:30pm-4:00pm Lindley: 307

Aida Awad, Maine East High School
Cheryl Manning, OrbWeaver Consulting, LLC
Edward Robeck, American Geosciences Institute

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Monday 1:45pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Daniela Bottjer-Wilson, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Barbara Bruno, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Pavica Srsen, Windward Community College
Donn Viviani, Leeward Community College

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Drawing on the importance of place is a powerful tool in geoscience education. However, it raises the question: Can faculty who are not from 'here' effectively develop and implement place-based ...
Adapting InTeGrate Modules to Online Courses ORAL SESSION
Monday 2:00pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College

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Using InTeGrate modules in multiple onground and hybrid courses since Spring 2016, gains in student achievement in objectives related to soils, agriculture, mining, climate change, among others have been ...
Aligning active learning teaching with active learning assessment: More accurate measures of student learning and mitigating the achievement gap ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:00pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Hannah Aird, California State University-Chico
Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico

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The degree to which student learning experiences and course assessments are both activity-based has a big impact on student performance in introductory geoscience courses newly revised at California State ...
Developing Culturally Responsive Pathways to local Geoscience Jobs and Careers ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:00pm Ritchie Hall: 368

Darryl Haddock, West Atlanta Watershed Alliance (WAWA)

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The Atlanta Alliance is building strong and impactful strategies and leveraging relationships with education and environmental organizations to; *expand "pathways to geoscience" careers *remedy prominent ...
Creation of an International initiative for Climate Education ORAL SESSION
Monday 3:30pm Ritchie Hall: 366

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The essential role of education in tackling the causes and consequences of anthropogenic climate change is increasingly being recognised at an international level. For example, Article 12 of the historic Paris ...
Supporting Successful Transitions: Principles for Students of All Ages AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Wednesday 1:30pm-4:00pm Ritchie Hall: 368

Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
Jim Swartz, Grinnell College

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From academic preparation to identity preparation and a welcoming climate, we will explore ways to encourage and support academic transitions (e.g. High school to college, 2YC to 4YC). Drawing on examples from the ...
Using MATLAB to Teach Computational and Quantitative Thinking Skills in STEM Courses POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Mitchell Bender-Awalt, Carleton College
Lisa Kempler, MathWorks
Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College

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Teaching computational skills and science content in a single course is challenging. Adding to the challenge, many STEM courses incorporate advanced mathematics, unfamiliar hardware, and complex instrumentation. ...
Improving Scientific Literacy in Introductory Geoscience Classes with Data-driven Inquiry POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Lily Claiborne, Vanderbilt University
Neil Kelley, Vanderbilt University
Ajayi, Moyosore, Vanderbilt University
Kristy Barnes, Vanderbilt University
Steven Goodbred, Vanderbilt University
Garrett Tate, Vanderbilt University

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Inquiry-based learning is shown to improve scientific literacy (Brickman et al. 2009). Availability of cutting-edge scientific data and imagery online provides new educational opportunities to have students pursue ...
BLOSSM: STEM Education through Citizen Seismology POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Jefferson Chang, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Molly Yunker, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus
Jacob I. Walter, University of Oklahoma Norman Campus

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The BLOSSM in Oklahoma program (Bridging Local Outreach & Seismic Signal Monitoring) aims to provide educational resources to public schools and free-choice learning environments, while supplementing the ...
Building a National Collaborative for Food, Energy, and Water Education (NC-FEW): Insights from a National Conference POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Cory Forbes, The University of Texas at Arlington
Hannah Scherer, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State Univ
Hui-Hui Wang, Purdue University-Main Campus
Nicole Sintov, Ohio State University-Main Campus
Christine Li, University of Missouri
Kelly Millenbah, Michigan State University

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Institutions of higher education must take a leading role in preparing all global citizens for the food, energy, and water (FEW) challenges of today and tomorrow. The Food-Energy-Water Nexus concept has emerged as ...
My NASA Data 2.0: Reducing Barriers to Access Earth System Data POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Elizabeth Joyner, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, SSAI
Tina Harte, NASA Langley Research Center

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NASA offers petabytes of global Earth science data collected from satellites but accessing these data in a traditional science classroom can be tricky. After nearly 15 years of offering Earth science data to ...
The Graduate Student Fellows Program: A Unique Opportunity for Professional Development in Evidence-Based Teaching Practices POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

matt smith, University of Kansas Main Campus
Aaron Koop, University of Kansas Main Campus
Kathryn Vaggalis, University of Kansas Main Campus
Danielle Chapa, University of Kansas Main Campus

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The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) at the University of Kansas (KU) recruits Graduate Student Fellows (GSFs) to provide teaching and assessment resources to instructors and faculty through two projects: the ...
A plan to assess the impact of curriculum and department climate on undergraduate student learning POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Alexandra Snell, Texas A & M University
Julie Newman, Texas A & M University
David Sparks, Texas A & M University

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The Department of Geology & Geophysics (G&G) at Texas A&M University recently completed a curriculum redesign. A data-driven backward design process incorporated data from current and former students, ...
Data-rich societally-situated undergraduate teaching resources and instructor professional development for geoscience classrooms and field courses POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 4:30pm-5:45pm Beren Auditorium

Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium
Becca Walker, Mt. San Antonio College
Bruce Douglas, Indiana University-Bloomington
Ben Crosby, Idaho State University
Meghan Miller, UNAVCO

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The NSF-funded GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) project is developing teaching resources and instructor professional development opportunities that emphasize a broad range of geodetic methods and data ...
Introduction to Course Design Using InTeGrate Materials WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Lindley: 307

Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College

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Participants will explore InTeGrate Modules as they develop or redesign their course, using principles of backward design and best practices. Educators will work together to develop their materials and leave with a ...
Universal Design in Earth Education: Approaches to access and accommodation for a more inclusive STEM experience WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8:30am-11:30am Ritchie Hall: 164

Wendi J. W. Williams, South Texas College
Ivan Carabajal, University of Cincinnati-Main Campus

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Overview This two-day morning professional development is for current and future K- Higher Education integrated STEM faculty on behalf of the International Association for Geoscience Diversity ( ...
Hooked on Active Tectonics: An Affective Comparison of Study Abroad and Local Students in New Zealand ORAL SESSION
Thursday 1:45pm Ritchie Hall: 368

Alison Jolley (AJ), University of Waikato
Samuel Hampton, Frontiers Abroad
Erik Brogt, University of Canterbury
ben kennedy, University of Canterbury
Lyndon Fraser, University of Canterbury

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Students who have studied abroad report greater self-confidence, long-lasting impacts on their worldview, and development of skillsets that influenced their future career paths. Field experiences offer similar ...
Researching the Impact of a Redesigned Introductory Earth Science Course on Preservice Elementary Teacher Knowledge and Perspectives ORAL SESSION
Thursday 3:30pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Danielle Ford, University of Delaware
Susan McGeary, University of Delaware
Jennifer Gallo-Fox, University of Delaware
Cheryl Ackerman, University of Delaware

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The authors present the design, research, and evaluation of an earth science course for preservice elementary teachers that is place-based, hands-on, technologically enriched, and aligns with the Next Generation ...
Digital Teaching Networks for Earth and Space Science Education ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION
Friday 1:30pm-2:45pm Burge Union Forum C/D

Ariel Anbar, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus

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AGU, NAGT and the Center for Education Through Exploration at Arizona State University are developing a program to enable the geosciences community to create, distribute, modify, and support adaptive digital ...
Collaborative Learning in an Online Course: Building community ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION
Friday 1:30pm-2:45pm Burge Union Forum C/D

Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College

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This roundtable discussion is intended for instructors who teach, or are interested in teaching, online classes with a collaborative learning component. Encouraging teamwork in an online class increases peer ...
Finding the front: Two Approaches to Teaching with Weather Maps
Friday 1:50pm-2:10pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Sarah Glancy, University of Hawaii-West Oahu
Robert Glancy, Metropolitan State University of Denver

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The authors present how they use the same surface weather map from the National Weather Service to teach about weather for two different courses (introductory meteorology and climate and introductory earth science) ...
Beyond Sustainability: The Anthropocene as a paradigm for thinking about the Earth Across Disciplines
Friday 2:30pm-2:50pm Ritchie Hall: 366

Gary Gomby, Central Connecticut State University

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The Anthropocene has been defined as the period during which humans have become a global geophysical force. The concept of the Anthropocene can be expanded beyond this "narrow" definition to a more ...
Student choices, outcomes, and engagement with Self-guided introductory field experiences using the Flyover Country app POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Avery Shinneman, University of Washington-Bothell Campus
Amy Myrbo, Science Museum of MN
Shane Loeffler, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

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Field experiences are an integral and attractive part of an education in the geosciences, and considered formative by many students. However, at many institutions class sizes, transportation, and other barriers ...
Geodesy for everyone: Educational resources to incorporate geodetic data and concepts into instruction and activities POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Beth Bartel, UNAVCO
Donna Charlevoix, EarthScope Consortium
Aisha Morris, National Science Foundation
Shelley E Olds, EarthScope Consortium
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium
Kelsey Russo-Nixon, EarthScope
Dan Zietlow, UNAVCO

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Geodesy is the study of Earth's shape, gravity field, and rotation. Geodetic applications and data are used to understand many societal issues such as land surface change, drought monitoring, climate change, ...
Incorporating writing into large and very large courses POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Lisa Tutty, Lakehead University

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In my large (100+ students) and very large courses (400-1000 students) I have been increasingly incorporating writing into the curriculum. This entails short and long answer questions on tests and examinations in ...
MT Rocks: The implementation of the MT Engage initiative in the Department of Geosciences at Middle Tennessee State University POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Melissa Lobegeier, Middle Tennessee State University
Racha El Kadiri, Middle Tennessee State University
Jeremy Aber, Middle Tennessee State University
Mark Abolins, Middle Tennessee State University
Warner Cribb, Middle Tennessee State University
Clay Harris, Middle Tennessee State University
Henrique Momm, Middle Tennessee State University

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The MT Engage initiative is part of the Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) and focuses on enhancing student academic engagement. This is achieved through the use of high impact ...
Science communication as a conduit for geoscience engagement in non-major students POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Kelly Lazar, Clemson University
Stephen Moysey, East Carolina University

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Many students find their way into geoscience majors and careers through a spark originating from their introductory geoscience course. Cultivating the triggered situational interest in these students is essential ...
Using 3D Modeling to Promote Design Thinking and Inquiry in an Introductory Geology Lab POSTER SESSION
Friday 3:00pm-4:00pm Beren Auditorium

Megan Plenge, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Introductory students rarely get the opportunity to engage in one of the most challenging and fundamental steps in scientific methodology: developing scientific research questions, formulating hypotheses, and ...