Travel Stipends for the Earth Educators' Rendezvous
The travel stipend deadline has passed.
If your institution has limited resources to support your travel to the Earth Educators' Rendezvous, you may be eligible for assistance from our workshop travel stipend fund. Because our funds are limited, it is unlikely that we will be able to cover your full travel from this fund. We encourage you to first pursue possible sources of funding on your campus, such as your department chair, dean, center for teaching and learning, or other faculty development programs. Maximum stipends are $500 and are for airfare and/or dorm (or hotel) only.
To receive support through this fund, a participant must be either a U.S. citizen, a permanent resident of the U.S., or in the employ of a U.S. institution. Stipends are awarded to applicants based on financial need and the potential impact on their participation and only to those that have met the application deadline. Priority will be given to those that have not been the recipient of a previous Rendezvous travel award.
The workshop stipend application is due April 8 and recipients will be notified by April 25 (prior to the registration cancellation deadline).
Stipends for K-12 Educators
NAGT's Teacher Education Division is generously offering additional funds to support K-12 educators and those involved directly with geoscience teacher prep. If you would like to be considered for this award, you need to be a K-12 teacher candidate (pre-service teachers), K-12 teacher of record (actually in classroom), Part-time faculty involved directly with geoscience teacher preparation, Full-time faculty involved directly with geoscience teacher preparation. You can apply using the application form, and indicate your status there. Note: The travel stipend deadline has passed.
Disbursement details
If you applied for and received approval for a travel stipend, here are the instructions for receiving your stipend.
Awards will be issued after the conference and after the awardees' participation in the Rendezvous is complete. Awardees will need to submit travel receipts and provide tax identification information to NAGT before the award can be issued and no later than August 31, 2018. If you fail to return your completed documentation by this date, you forfeit your stipend. Please allow 4-6 weeks after returning receipts and a W-9 to receive your reimbursement.
If you have questions regarding the stipend awards, please contact Amy Collette.
How to apply
Complete and submit the application by April 8, 2018. The travel stipend deadline has passed.