Friday Schedule At-A-Glance
GER Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Julie Sexton, University of Colorado at Boulder
This session is for those who want to increase their ability to conduct education research. Participants will have a chance to learn about principles of research design, qualitative and quantitative methods, and ...
Flipping your Classroom
Jennifer Roberts, University of Kansas Main Campus
Gregory Baker, Colorado Mesa University
Many well-respected groups and associated faculty have tackled the issues of Earth science classroom transformation through decades of research and application. Today, many significant pedagogical advances to the ...
Place, Cultural Context, and Geoscience Teaching
Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Roberto Ibarra, University of New Mexico-Main Campus
We teach about the Earth in and by means of places, which are localities given meaning by human experience, and thus are cultural features embedded in the physical landscape. On the first day, participants in this ...
Building Pathways for Success: Supporting Student Transfer from Two-Year Colleges to Four-Year Colleges and Universities
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
Nearly half of all undergraduates in the US begin their college educations at two-year colleges. Given the importance of community colleges in the academic pathways of so many undergraduate students, what can we do ...
Neutralizing the Politicization of Climate Science and Energy Policy
Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Participants in this session will work together to improve their teaching of climate science in a world of unprecedented politicization of that topic. Themes to be emphasized include rhetoric (the recognition and ...
Designing your Course to Maximize Student Learning
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
The workshop is for anyone who wants to incorporate what we know from the research on learning into their teaching. Participants will both learn about and be engaged in best practices as they design (or redesign) ...
Friday Session B
Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
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Earth Educators' RendezvousAlbuquerque, NM July 17-21, 2017
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Advocacy and Connecting with Community
Don Haas, Paleontological Research Institution
We live in polarized times. Climate change, fracking, evolution, and many more issues are mired in political conflict that are better understood through science and science education. Advocacy has a role in ...
Mentoring Students through Research Experiences
Aisha Morris, National Science Foundation
Developing confident, capable geoscientists from diverse backgrounds requires, among many variables, the development of confident, capable mentors to help guide and support students along the path to professional ...
The Pangea Puzzle
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Mark Uhen, George Mason University
Students learn how to use the Paleobiology Database (PBDB) to produce maps of fossils on the present day Earth's surface, as well as past continental configurations. They do this by mapping the occurrence of ...
Using InTegrate Materials to Strengthen Geosciences Across the Curriculum
Richard D. Schulterbrandt Gragg III, Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
This session will explore the use of InTeGrate curriculum materials and faculty development workshops to strengthen infusion of Earth literacy throughout the curriculum. The value of culturally competent materials ...
Reward Structures: Geo Ed and PT
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
In this round table discussion, participants will share ideas pertaining to the tenure and promotion and reward structures for Geoscience Education Research (GER) Faculty. The conversation will include what to look ...
Engaging Online Students in Authentic Earth Science Experiences
Eliza Richardson, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Whether we are teaching large or small classes, introductory level, non-majors, or upper levels, we all want our online students to analyze and interpret authentic data as well as make scientifically sound ...
Friday Session A
Sara ElShafie, University of California-Berkeley
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Earth Educators' RendezvousAlbuquerque, NM July 17-21, 2017
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Using the Paleobiology Database to explore tectonic events
Callan Bentley, Piedmont Virginia Community College
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Ander Sundell, College of Western Idaho
In this teaching demonstration, we will model a student activity we developed utilizing the Paleobiology Database's (PBDB's) user-friendly "Navigator" interface. The activity has students to ...
A map library that builds skills in recognizing, describing, and explaining patterns
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Seeking patterns in Earth data is a fundamental habit of mind of geoscientists: recognition and description of patterns allows us to interpret them in light of what we know. While this process comes naturally for ...
Project Paleo: Bringing Invertebrate Paleontology to the Classroom
Kathryn Estes-Smargiassi, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Molly Porter, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Austin Hendy, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Paleontology is often termed a "gateway science" because of its ability capture children's attention and imaginations in a STEM field at a very young age. We can use the fun of fossils to begin ...
4th Grade Classroom Activity- Five Stations of Rock and Mineral Identifications
Randy Bechtel, NC Geological Survey
The activity uses five stations, each having a direction sheet to lead the students through activities and answer questions about rock and mineral samples. There is a five-minute time limit at each station before ...
Paleontology in the "Real World": Using recent Paleontological Literature to Engage High School Students and Encourage STEM Based Learning.
Gina Roberti, Mount St. Helens Institute
A lesson titled,"Fossil Teeth: A Record of Climate and Evolutionary Change in the Fossil Record" is presented as a model to illustrate how lesson plans for high school students can be developed from ...
Creating and Destroying Limestone
Stacey Verardo, George Mason University
Julia Nord, George Mason University
Students pour 2 cm of limewater into a test tube. Using straws they blow into the limewater making a calcite precipitate (Part 1). After discussion, they repeat the process and the calcite disappears (Part 2). ...
Teaching STEM Teachers Using NASA GLOBE Protocols
Carol Engelmann, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Graduate and undergraduate STEM courses at the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) are being designed to integrate the protocols from NASA's Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) ...
Improving Understanding of Earth Science Topics through Evaluation and Plausibility Reappraisal
Doug Lombardi, University of Maryland-College Park
Janelle Bailey, Temple University
Elliot S. Bickel, Temple University
Shondricka Burrell, Morgan State University
Evaluation is an important aspect of science and is receiving increasing attention in science education. This study investigated changes to high school students' plausibility judgments and knowledge as a ...
Motivated by Eisner: Physical Geology assignments that connect to students' lives and everyday experiences
Tarin Weiss, Westfield State University
This project draws on the philosophy of Elliot Eisner, summarized in Educational Leadership, 61(4). Primarily, the concept of education as mainly preparatory is flawed and leads to "intellectually ...
Reworking preconceptions on water movement through soil.
Julia Nord, George Mason University
Students watch a video with a series of experiments on how water travels through soils (loam, sand, clay) and other materials such as aggregates and organics ( The ...
Enhancing the cross-disciplinary inclusion of geoscience materials using a Faculty Mentoring Network
Jennifer Hanselman, Westfield State University
Tara Holmberg, Northwestern Connecticut Community College
Gaby Hamerlink, Northwestern Connecticut Community College
InTeGrate and the Quantitative Undergraduate Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project partnered to support the adaptation of InTeGrate modules across disciplines. Beginning in 2016, QUBES project partnered ...
Geoscience Education in Trinidad and Tobago: Bridging the Gap from Niche Discipline to General Awareness for Sustainable Development
Tricia Alvarez, The University of Texas at Austin
Trinidad and Tobago is located within an active plate tectonic boundary characterized by regular seismicity, and it is also positioned at the southern margin of Atlantic Basin hurricane paths. Consequently the ...
Ambitious Redesign of an Introductory Physical Geology Course at a Two-Year-College
Elizabeth Nagy, Pasadena City College
Every year the Geology Department at Pasadena City College (PCC) offers ~15 sections of Physical Geology (lecture/lab combinations) taught by 8-10 full-time, part-time, and adjunct faculty with minor consistency ...
Individual Development Plan: A Personal Action Plan for 'Ike Wai Graduate Students
Daniela Bottjer-Wilson, University of Hawaii at Manoa
'Ike Wai ("Water Knowledge") is a National Science Foundation EPSCoR funded project addressing the critical needs of the state of Hawai'i to maintain its supply of clean water. The ...
Graduate Teaching Assistant Training at Baylor University - Strategies for Success
Sharon Browning, Baylor University
Graduate teaching assistants are an integral part of geoscience education at all levels. It is imperative that they have access to training on a variety of issues, including course content, current pedagogical ...
Friday Session
Presenters will hang their posters by 8:30am (the hall will be open to presenters at 8am), and the Poster Hall will be open throughout the day. Abstracts are listed below by theme and numbered poster locations are ...
It is in the Syllabus
Alayde Barbosa, Florida Gulf Coast University
Mary Abercrombie, Florida Gulf Coast University
The ambition to become better instructors was the motivation to participate in the new Design Academy, an intense two week program offered by the Lucas Center for Faculty Development at the Florida Gulf Coast ...
A View of InTeGrate Materials through the Lens of a Community College Student Tutor
Luke Baker, El Paso Community College
In the fall 2016 semester I served as a tutor and laboratory assistant for El Paso Community College professor Russell Smith who used units 1-4 of the "Living on the Edge" InTeGrate module for ...
Teaching Sustainability through Global Web-Based Competitions
Ana Vanoye, Tecnologico de Monterrey
The causes and consequences of climate change and environmental degradation have not been fully understood by a large sector of the population, resulting in a reluctance to perform mitigation actions. One possible ...
Appreciative Inquiry as an Approach to Transformational Service Learning to Promote Sustainable Development in the Missouri Ozarks through Adoption and Adaption of the InTeGrate Project's Module "Interactions between Water, Earth's Surface, and Human Acti
Michelle Fisher, Three Rivers Community College
Sustainability is the capacity of meeting the needs of the present without diminishing opportunities for the future of humanity. Can higher education offer learning approaches to transform students to serve as ...
For Higher Ed portal to Resources Supporting Change from Individual to Program scales
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
John McDaris, Carleton College
Cathy Manduca, Carleton College
Making and supporting changes in higher education at multiple scales presents challenges that are shared broadly by individuals and programs across institution types. It is important that we, as agents of change, ...
Problem Solving and Workflow Strategies Employed In Seismic Interpretation
Matthew Jackson, Texas A & M University
Eric Riggs, Humboldt State University
This study was designed to advance understanding of the interactions, strategies, and techniques graduate geoscientists employ in the process of 2D seismic interpretation. This qualitative study was designed to ...
The River Basin Simulation For Undergraduate Hydrology: Multi-Year Results, And Lessons Learned Pairing Hydrologic Science With Decision-Making
Kyle Hodder
The Twente Water Centre developed the freely available River Basin Simulation as a participatory teaching tool for post-secondary users. Over the past 6 years, I have run the simulation 16 times with 120 students ...
Activities that Warm Students Up to Glaciers
LeAnne Teruya, San Jose State University
Three simple activities can be used to help students understand the internal and external processes that take place when glaciers advance. Students will learn that in addition to gravity pulling glaciers downhill, ...
The Building Strong Geoscience Departments Traveling Workshop Program: A Retrospective
Dallas Rhodes, Humboldt State University
Diane Doser, University of Texas at El Paso
The Traveling Workshop Program was initiated in 2009 with a modular structure design that that allowed participants to build a workshop around topics such as Assessment, Curricular Design, Preparing Your Students ...
How We Really Learn The Micro-Spiral Method (MSM)
Dr. Edith Davis, Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University
Teaching and learning are the crux of every nation on Earth. The issue is how can we teach science, technology, engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to the future scientists, technologists, engineers, ...
Adapting InTeGrate for the Large Lecture Classroom: Impacts on Engagement and Student Performance
Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College
The InTeGrate project seeks to incorporate concepts of sustainability and societal issues into the geoscience classroom using inquiry-based, active-learning approaches. A multi-institution study is documenting the ...
Desert Odyssey: Integrating Geology, Biology & Native American History & Culture in a Field-Intensive Program
Ben Fackler-Adams, Skagit Valley College
Cliff Palmer, Skagit Valley College
Charles Luckmann, Skagit Valley College
In Spring 2015, Skagit Valley College offered Desert Odyssey, a 15-credit learning community integrating geology, biology and Native American history, including a 3-week field program exploring interconnections ...
Adapting the InTeGrate "Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes" module in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
Daren Nelson, Utah Valley University
In the fall of 2016 the impacts of Hurricane Matthew caused over 22 deaths and estimates of over .5 billion in damage in North Carolina. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke was evacuated and closed and ...
Paying Paleoclimatology Forward: an academic multigenerational journey linking professional development to curriculum development
Thomas Gill, University of Texas at El Paso
Joe Collins, Texas A & M University - San Antonio
The first author has long taught climate science and earth sciences at University of Texas- El Paso (UTEP), a research-oriented minority-serving institution (MSI) with majors in Geology and Environmental Science. ...
Using Design Patterns as a Strategy for Capturing Generalizable Knowledge from Educational Interventions
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Cailin Huyck Orr, Carleton College
A design pattern is a reusable solution to a problem that recurs repeatedly as people try to navigate through life. The concept began in architecture and has spread to many other fields. We think that the design ...
Supporting and Advancing Geoscience Education in Two-Year Colleges (SAGE 2YC): Building a Foundation for Change through a Network of Regional Communities of Practice
Ellen Iverson, Carleton College
John McDaris, Carleton College
Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
One goal of SAGE 2YC: Faculty as Change Agents is to develop regional communities that can promote a cycle of change through activities that allow members to share experiences, synthesize expertise, and document ...
The Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)
Anne Gold, University of Colorado at Boulder
Susan Sullivan, University of Colorado at Boulder
Jennifer Taylor, University of Colorado at Boulder
Susan Lynds, University of Colorado at Boulder
Frank Niepold, NOAA
Marian Grogan, TERC
Sean Fox, Carleton College
Tamara Ledley, Bentley University, 175 Forest Street, Waltham, MA 20452 Past: Harvard Advanced Leadership Initiative, 2017; TERC, 1997-2017
It is important that we prepare tomorrow's scientists, decision makers and citizens to address the societal impacts of a changing climate. In order to respond, manage, and adapt to those change citizens of all ...
Implementing InTeGrate Critical Zone Science materials in an undergraduate geoscience curriculum
Ashlee Dere, University of Nebraska at Omaha
Tim White, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Adam Wymore, University of New Hampshire-Main Campus
Adam Hoffman, University of Dubuque
James Washburne, The University of Arizona
Martha Conklin, University of California-Merced
Robert Shuster, University of Nebraska at Omaha
The InTeGrate course "Introduction to the Critical Zone Science" was developed by an interdisciplinary team from a variety of institutions to introduce and examine the life-sustaining services and ...
Curriculum Materials and Approaches to Prepare Students for an Interdisciplinary Future
Dave Gosselin, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
John Taber, EarthScope Consortium
A primary goal of the InTeGrate project was to increase the incorporation of geoscience concepts into the teaching about current grand, Earth-related, societal challenges. The materials produced from this project ...
Teaching in the (critical) zone: Linking land management and Earth system processes at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
Katherine O'Neill, Roanoke College
The Earth's critical zone (CZ) represents the upper layer of the Earth's surface (referred to by the National Science Foundation as the zone where 'rock meets life') that provides the resources ...