Adapting InTeGrate for the Large Lecture Classroom: Impacts on Engagement and Student Performance
Poster Session Part of
Friday Session
Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College
The InTeGrate project seeks to incorporate concepts of sustainability and societal issues into the geoscience classroom using inquiry-based, active-learning approaches. A multi-institution study is documenting the changes in student performance and attitudes as a result of replacing approximately one-half of existing course materials with InTeGrate modules and units. This presentation focuses on the changes in practice and impacts on student success as a result of implementation of InTeGrate materials in an undergraduate physical geology course at the University of West Georgia. This course fulfills a science requirement for all UWG undergraduates, and the student population is largely non-science majors. Several types of data were collected to assess student engagement (attendance, homework completion, attitudinal surveys) and student performance (including GLE summative assessments and other class-based pre-/post-tests) across control and treatment groups. The control semester (Fall 2015) was taught using traditional course materials and approaches; during the treatment semester (Fall 2016), the class was significantly revised by replacing existing content with InTeGrate materials, including two complete modules (Human Dependence on Earth's Mineral Resources, Living on the Edge) and selected units from several other InTeGrate modules (Environmental Justice and Freshwater Resources, A Growing Concern, Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes). Several adaptations were made to InTeGrate materials and activities to make them more user-friendly and effective for the large lecture hall setting; specific examples will be discussed in the context of overcoming challenges related to logistical or student success issues.