Supplementing InTeGrate Earth Science Modules with American Meteorological Society (AMS) and Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Educational Content
Poster Session Part of
Friday Session

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) Weather Studies and Climate Studies programs have been institutionalized at Tennessee State University (TSU) since fall 2005. The interactive AMS learning materials are delivered via the Weather and Climate (GEOG 3500) course. Approximately 250 undergraduate students have been exposed the AMS materials over the past 10-plus years. Tennessee State University has been a Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) program Partner Institution since October 2001. Undergraduate students enrolled in GEOG 3500 and introductory World Regional Geography (GEOG 1010/1020) courses engage in GLOBE earth science data collection and analysis exercises. The "real time" and "hands-on" format of the AMS and GLOBE materials can significantly enhance students' learning experiences with the InTeGrate Earth-Focused Modules. For example, the AMS Weather Studies "Tropical Weather Systems" unit can be taught concurrently with the InTeGrate "Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes" module. As students work through the historical InTeGrate module information, they are able to observe and analyze tropical weather in real time via the AMS portal. The GLOBE "Surface Temperature" Protocol exercise can be taught concurrently with "Unit 2: Earth's Atmosphere and Its Influence on Temperature" of the InteGrate "Earth's Thermostat" Module. In completing the Surface Temperature Protocols, students spend time outdoors engaged in "citizen science" collection of cloud, ambient temperature, and other atmospheric data. With both the AMS and GLOBE content faculty are able to "customize" the lessons to focus upon the local area, giving students perhaps a more meaningful learning experience. In terms of course preparation, the AMS teaching materials are relatively user-friendly and like the InTeGrate modules, can be incorporated into a wide range of courses, including the social sciences. Becoming a GLOBE Partner requires training, some of which may be able to be completed online.