Individual Development Plan: A Personal Action Plan for 'Ike Wai Graduate Students
Poster Session Part of
Friday Session

'Ike Wai ("Water Knowledge") is a National Science Foundation EPSCoR funded project addressing the critical needs of the state of Hawai'i to maintain its supply of clean water. The interdisciplinary research team including geophysicists, geochemists, microbiologists, groundwater modelers, engineers, data scientists, social scientists and Hawaiian language specialists aims at improving our current understanding of "How much water is there?", "Where does it flow from/to?" and "How long will our resources last?". Through this integrated program of research, education, community engagement and decision support, 'Ike Wai seeks to build a diverse and competitive workforce in key Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields. The Professional Development (PD) program's goal is to equip 'Ike Wai graduate students and postdoctoral researchers with the skills and experiences needed to maximize their potential and succeed in their professional careers. As part of the PD program, each graduate student and postdoctoral researcher creates an Individual Development Plan (IDP), in consultation with their research advisor and PD mentor. The IDP outlines PD milestones, accompanied by timelines to track progress, and serves as a blueprint to guide each student's professional development. All IDPs will include six core competencies: Research, Teaching & Mentoring, Leadership, Writing & Publication, Oral Communication, Career Development. This presentation will provide some first insights into how IDPs benefit 'Ike Wai graduate students in emerging competitive from their 'Ike Wai training period.