Adapting the InTeGrate "Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes" module in the wake of Hurricane Matthew
Poster Session Part of
Friday Session

In the fall of 2016 the impacts of Hurricane Matthew caused over 22 deaths and estimates of over $1.5 billion in damage in North Carolina. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke was evacuated and closed and many students and faculty lost homes and possessions due to the damages incurred by the storm. As part of the InTeGrate research team, I had the unique opportunity to adapt and implement the "Natural Hazards and Risks: Hurricanes" module into my introductory Earth Science courses. The implementation of the module and analysis of student responses were analyzed over a control term (fall 15), pilot term (spring 16), and treatment term (fall 16). During the control course the students were taught in a traditional lecture style format regarding extreme weather events; whereas, in the pilot and treatment courses the InTeGrate module regarding hurricanes was implemented. The fall 2016 term was our "treatment" term where the implementation of this and other modules were in full swing. However, due to the storm it was decided that the students perceived interest would increase by further adapting the module to use Hurricane Matthew as an additional case study. As part of the presentation I will discuss how the module was adapted pre and post the storm. In addition, it will be discussed how adapting the InTeGrate module to relate to current and local events will increase student performance and interest. Data for the control, pilot, and treatment terms will be compared and discussed in relation to the disaster. In spring of 2017 the adapted post Hurricane Mathew version of the module was repeated and student experiences were collected to see if their personal experiences continued to improve student understanding.