How We Really Learn The Micro-Spiral Method (MSM)
Poster Session Part of
Friday Session

Teaching and learning are the crux of every nation on Earth. The issue is how can we teach science, technology, engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) to the future scientists, technologists, engineers, mathematicians, and STEM educators? What is the best method that will result in supernatural accelerated learning?
The answer is the Micro-Spiral Methodology, a spiral way of learning. Each iteration of this method adds another level of depth and understanding of knowledge and skills. The concepts are encoded on both the right and left sides of the brain and stored in long-term memory with a pneumonic retrieval mechanism. The scientific test results had an entire year's curricula compressed into three months and micro-spiraled African American state science test scores went up by 45 percent, Hispanic scores approximately 26 percent, economically disadvantaged scores went up by 32 percent and Anglos scores went up by 28 percent. The Micro-Spiral Methodology works!
I am Dr. Edith G. Davis, a science professor at Florida A & M University. I have a vision to increase science achievement in our children. I was a Woods Hole United States Geologic Survey research fellow. I am also a Stanford University Earth Science graduate, with a Masters in Geophysics, making me the first African American female geophysicist in United States of America. I graduated from Baylor University in December 2007 with my doctorate in education curriculum and instruction, with emphasis in science education and research. As an African American woman I believe that I am able to contribute in meaningful ways to the nation's science and technology needs.
I am presently a tenured faculty, teaching science education, physics, chemistry, biology, earth and space science. Through my work and affiliations, part of my goal is to help build and establish significant meaningful relationships with others of similar interests.
The answer is the Micro-Spiral Methodology, a spiral way of learning. Each iteration of this method adds another level of depth and understanding of knowledge and skills. The concepts are encoded on both the right and left sides of the brain and stored in long-term memory with a pneumonic retrieval mechanism. The scientific test results had an entire year's curricula compressed into three months and micro-spiraled African American state science test scores went up by 45 percent, Hispanic scores approximately 26 percent, economically disadvantaged scores went up by 32 percent and Anglos scores went up by 28 percent. The Micro-Spiral Methodology works!
I am Dr. Edith G. Davis, a science professor at Florida A & M University. I have a vision to increase science achievement in our children. I was a Woods Hole United States Geologic Survey research fellow. I am also a Stanford University Earth Science graduate, with a Masters in Geophysics, making me the first African American female geophysicist in United States of America. I graduated from Baylor University in December 2007 with my doctorate in education curriculum and instruction, with emphasis in science education and research. As an African American woman I believe that I am able to contribute in meaningful ways to the nation's science and technology needs.
I am presently a tenured faculty, teaching science education, physics, chemistry, biology, earth and space science. Through my work and affiliations, part of my goal is to help build and establish significant meaningful relationships with others of similar interests.