On the Cutting Edge Workshop: Teaching Climate Change Using Data and Numerical Models
published Aug 5, 2010 10:54amTeaching About Earth's Climate Using Data and Numerical Models
An online workshop held October 21-22 and 25-27, 2010
This workshop is for faculty who would like to enhance their teaching about the climate system and climate dynamics by incorporating numerical models and model output data, and for those interested in sharing their experiences teaching climate change. This workshop focuses on the utility of numerical models in past, present, and future climate change research, and their potential role in teaching students about the climate system. Simple numerical models that are available online, as well as vast quantities of numerical output available in professionally collected databases offer teachers and students endless opportunities for data-rich instructional activities.
Learn about resources available online, hear from other faculty with experience using numerical models in the classroom and develop or adapt classroom exercises and assessments for your own use. The workshop will consist of a blend of synchronous presentations, online discussions, work time and collaborative efforts.
For more information, contact Cindy Shellito (Lucinda.shellito@unco.edu)