Workshop Program
8:30: Registration and Coffee
9:00: Introductions and Overview of workshop
9:30: U.N. Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Jeff Armstrong, Environmental Supervisor, Marine Monitoring Section at the Orange County Sanitation District
- Anika Ballent, Education Director, Algalita Marine Research Foundation
10:30: Coffee break
10:45: Resource Showcase: In- and outside the Classroom
- Lightning talks by participants (3 min each): What do you do to get students involved in/excited about Ocean Sciences? Please bring handouts to share!
- Discussion/Networking Time
11:45: Tour of Aquarium (Robert Ellis + student volunteers) and Planetarium / NOAA globe (Scott Mitchell)
12:45: Lunch talk: Nancy Caruso, Executive Director and Chief Marine Biologist, Get Inspired Inc. - Restoring and Preserving our Coast
1:45: Develop Action Plan – What can SoCalSeas do to promote the U.N. Decade of Ocean Sciences (e.g. joint lecture series, field trips/study abroad, hands-on classroom activities, website development, best practices in the classroom)
2:30: Departure for Tour Sailing and Seamanship Center
3:00: Tour Sailing and Seamanship Center (Karen Prielot)
3:45: Closure: End of Workshop Survey