Workshop Timeline

Pre-Meeting One Work:

Chapter 2

  • Why don't our students already know how to learn?
  • What do we do that hinders our student's learning?

Chapter 3 Metacognition

  • Her definition blurs the distinction between metacognition, learning strategies and study skills. What are your thoughts on this?
  • The take home message from this chapter is to make learning strategies explicit to your students. In what ways have you done this or are you planning to do this?

Chapter 4 The Power of Teaching Bloom's Taxonomy and the Study Cycle to our Students

  • Can you give examples of ways to implement the "Study Cycle" into your course?
  • How could you refine/expand on her ideas when a class session has involved mostly active learning pedagogies and not lecture?

Meeting One Tuesday, August 18th, 2020 2:15-4:15pm PST:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Break Out Session One:Nominate a scribe to take notes on your Google Doc. (A link will be provided in the chat.) Also nominate a reporter for your group. Share one thing from each chapter that resonated with your group.
    • Chapter One: Thoughts on Saundra's journey
    • Chapter Two: Why don't our students already know how to learn?
    • Chapter Three: What is metacognition? How can this help our students?
  • Bloom's Revealed (Acrobat (PDF) 381kB Aug18 20) and Break Out Groups by Discipline (if applicable)
    • Blooms Taxonomy Checklist (Acrobat (PDF) 132kB Aug15 20)- think about your lectures, where does each fall on Blooms? think about your exams, where does each question fall on Blooms?
    • Is the Goldilocks story (Acrobat (PDF) 136kB Aug18 20) this appropriate for your students? How might it be made more relevant for your discipline?
    • Report out session
  • Break Out Session Two: Discuss the following with those in your discipline (if applicable). Nominate a scribe to take notes on your group Google Doc. Nominate a reporter for your group.
    • Think about your lectures:
      • Where does each question fall on Blooms?
    • Is the Goldilocks story (Acrobat (PDF) 136kB Aug18 20) appropriate for your students?
    • How might it be made more relevant for your discipline?
    • Create a similar story and explanation specific for your discipline.
  • Break Out Session Three: Nominate a scribe to take notes on your Group Google Doc. Nominate a reporter for your group.
    • Final thoughts on chapters
    • Sharing experiences of what you've done/tried in the past on these topics.
    • Consider ways to implement change into your courses
  • Wrap Up

Pre-Meeting Two Work:

  • Read Chapters 5-9
  • Questions to Consider:

Chapter 5 Metacognitive Learning Strategies at Work

  • Would you incorporate the section on reading strategies into your course? If so, what would you do?
  • Which of these learning strategies from the inventory (Appendix E Pg. 179) will you try with your students?

Chapter 6 - Mindset Matters

  • How might you incorporate the strategies she suggests in your course?
  • How do you structure course assignments so as to build confidence in success?

Chapter 8 - What faculty can do

  • What do you do on the first day to emulate her ideas on the importance of the first day?
  • Which of her strategies did you see as most beneficial and how might you incorporate them?

Chapter 9 - What students can do

  • What are your thoughts on incorporating information/discussion of the strategies she presents into your course?
  • What would you do to incorporate them?
  • She suggests students explore the VARK learning styles preferences and take the Myers Brigg test. What are your thoughts on students doing these tests? How would you use/ process this information?
  • View assigned active learning strategy and be prepared to share information at our next meeting!
    • Think Pair Share (Alex)
    • Jigsaw (Amanda)
    • Concept Test (Anne)
    • Minute Paper (Denise, Danny)
    • Gallery Walk (Kimberly, Maribel)
    • Worksheets (Nahla)
    • Cooperative Exams (Nicole)
    • Collaborative Documents (Sandra)
    • Wrapper (Vanessa)

Meeting Two (October 21 5pm-7pm PST):

  • Open Discussion -- Check in
  • Break Out Group Discussion
    • Discussion Chapters 5--9
      • Share at least one thing you found helpful or meaningful.
      • Share what you think would help your students the most.
    • Report out session
  • Jigsaw Active Learning Activities (Whole Group Discussion)
    • Share details about the resource assigned to you for homework
  • Break Out Group Discussion by Discipline
    • What are some applications of active learning techniques?
    • What are some applications of metacognitive strategies?
    • Report out session
  • Wrap Up
  • Road-check

Pre-Meeting Three Work:

  • Read Chapters 10-12
  • Questions to Consider:

Chapter 10 Partnering with your campus learning center

  • What do you want to know more about regarding resources available to students via your campus learning center?
  • In your experience, what campus resources help students the most outside of the classroom?