George Rice
Queens University of Charlotte
Website Content Contributions
Other Contributions (67)
Cloning: part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University What is Cloning? "The terms recombinant DNA technology, DNA cloning, molecular cloning, or gene cloning all refer to the same process: the transfer of a DNA ...
Fluorescent Microscopy part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Microscopy
Created by George Rice, Montana State University What Is Fluorescent Microscopy? A fluorescence microscope is much the same as a conventional light microscope with added features to enhance its capabilities. The ...
Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization: (FISH) part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Microscopy
Created by George Rice, Montana State University What Is FISH? FISH is a molecular technique that is often used to identify and enumerate specific microbial groups. This technique can be used to determine, with ...
Selecting a Protein Data Set: part of Microbial Life:Research Methods
Created by George Rice, Montana State University and Gretchen A. Koch, Goucher College. Create a New Account In Biology WorkBench - Go to Enter the WorkBench after reregistering as a ...
Three Dimensional Phylogenetic Relationships: part of Microbial Life:Research Methods
How changes in dimensional representation can influence visual relationships. Created by George Rice, Montana State University and Gretchen A. Koch, Goucher College. In this exercise you will learn to - Use the ...
Replication:DNA copied into DNA part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University In general, DNA is replicated by uncoiling of the helix, strand separation by breaking of the hydrogen bonds between the complementary strands, and synthesis of two ...
Methods:Mammoth Hot Springs part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Bio-geochemical Methods
Created by George Rice, Montana State University A unique interdisciplinary research team heads this project with specific expertise in geology, microbiology, and physics. Project milestones include: Performing in ...
Translation: Messenger RNA Translated Into Protein part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Translation is the process that takes the information passed from DNA as messenger RNA and turns it into a series of amino acids bound together with peptide bonds. ...
Replication: DNA copied into DNA part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University In general, DNA is replicated by uncoiling of the helix, strand separation by breaking of the hydrogen bonds between the complementary strands, and synthesis of two ...
DNA Extraction part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University What is DNA Extraction? Simply put, DNA Extraction is the removal of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) from the cells or viruses in which it normally resides. What ...
Polymerase Chain Reaction: (PCR) part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University PCR is the supreme biotechnological invention - "PCR has transformed molecular biology through vastly extending the capacity to identify, manipulate and ...
Modern Genomics:How to identify microbial species. part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Classic methods dependent upon comparative morphology and culturing fall short for the following reasons - Prokaryotes are incredibly diverse with relatively little ...
Molecular Finger Printing part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Overview:(How to Study a Microbial Ecosystem) Collect an environmental sample - Collecting samples involves the isolation and careful gathering of specimens of ...
Ribosomes and Ribosomal RNA:(rRNA) part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Ribosomes are the universal ribonucleoprotein particles that translate the genetic code into proteins. They are built of two subunits that associate upon initiation ...
SMaRT Course2006 part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University This intensive, project-oriented course is taught at the Center of Marine Biotechnology (COMB), University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute, Baltimore, with ...
Geobiology and the Emergence of Terraced Architecture during Carbonate Mineralization : Mammoth, Yellowstone National Park part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Bio-geochemical Methods
(Visit the Fouke Lab Created by George Rice, Montana State University Objectives and Methods: The goal of this project is to determine how the biodiversity and ...
Project Significance: part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Bio-geochemical Methods
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Intellectual Merit: The main question addressed by this research is whether the presence of terraced carbonate architecture is prima facie evidence for the presence ...
Results:Mammoth Hot Springs part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Bio-geochemical Methods
Created by George Rice, Montana State University A generic approach to large scale modeling of terraced architecture at Mammoth Hot Springs has been used to explain the formation of ponds, the variations in ...
Are Viruses Alive? part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University "Viruses straddle the definition of life. They lie somewhere between supra molecular complexes and very simple biological entities. Viruses contain some of the ...
2004 Sampling Field Trip: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Nevada Hot Springs MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University During a field campaign in May 12-18, 2004, the investigators visited 16 hot-spring locations in Nevada, traveling about 800 miles (see figure below). A ...
Project Significance: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Monterey Bay MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University "The way that nutrients cycle through atmospheric, terrestrial, oceanic and associated biotic reservoirs can constrain rates of biological production and help ...
Methods part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Sapelo Island MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The philosophy of the SIMO project is that detailed descriptive studies of prokaryotic assemblages in the salt marsh are the requisite first step to a more ...
Results:SIMO part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Sapelo Island MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN COASTAL MARSH ECOSYSTEMS—A high throughput 16S rRNA sequencing/analysis pipeline was developed to characterize spatial and temporal ...
Environment: Monterey Bay part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Monterey Bay MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Phylogenetic reconstruction of family trees from environmental genomic libraries: (click on figure title to download pdf's of the individual phylogenetic ...
Methods: Monterey Bay MO part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Monterey Bay MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Previous efforts by the DeLong Lab in Monterey Bay have generated large-insert genomic "libraries" from genomic fragments of Monterey Bay microbes (each ...
Project Significance part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Sapelo Island MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Dimethylsulfoniopropionate [DMSP; (CH3)2-S-CH2-CH2-COOH] is an osmoprotectant synthesized by marine algae and vascular plants. As a consequence of senescence, ...
Project Significance (The Importance of Carbon): part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Oligotrophic Ocean MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University "Carbon is what we (as well as all of the other plants and animals on earth) are made of (50% of our dry weight). Ecologists can learn a lot about ecosystems ...
Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series Study (BATS) Site: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Oligotrophic Ocean MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The BATS site is characterized as being seasonally oligotrophic, and significantly influenced by regular annual patterns of temperature variability and mixing of ...
Methods employed at the Microbial Observatory: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Oligotrophic Ocean MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The Oceanic Microbial Observatory combines oceanographic microbial ecological methodology with molecular microbiological /ecological expertise to elucidate the ...
Findings: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Oligotrophic Ocean MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University (click on images for larger version) The northwestern Sargasso Sea displays seasonal dynamics in DOC accumulation and distribution of biomass as well ...
Indonesia Sampling Trip(December 05) part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University PI Russell Hill and graduate student Naomi Montalvo conducted a sample collection trip in Manado Indonesia in December 2005. The main aim was to collect samples of ...
Course Announcement (PowerPoint 2.2MB Jan5 06) (Summer 2006): part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University NSF Microbial Observatories on Marine Sponges (MOMS) Course for Undergraduate Students interested in microbiology. Targeted to students from traditionally ...
McMurdo Dry Valleys MO:Experimental Approach part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:McMurdo MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Studying the lakes in the dry valleys is a multi-disciplinary exercise. There are four Principal Investigators ( John Priscu of Montana State University; Michael ...
Publications part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Contaminated Aquifer MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Bakermans, C. and E.L. Madsen. 2002a. Diversity of 16S rRNA as naphthalene dioxygenase genes from a coal tar waste-contaminated aquifer waters. Microb. Ecol. ...
Culturing Cold Prokaryotes: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:McMurdo MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University A primary objective of the McMurdo Dry Valleys MO is to obtain cultures of prokaryotes that drive the major nutrient cycles (C, N, S) in the dry valley lakes. The ...
NIMO Course of Study part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:North Inlet MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Methods: Non-destructive measurements of plant primary productivity at all sampling stations were initiated in the first year of this project ( 2003—2004) ...
Alkalithermophilic Chemolithoautotrophic Crenarchaeota part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Nevada Hot Springs MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Most terrestrial and aquatic systems have pH values between 5 and 8 making them neutral in pH (pH 7 is neutral; below 7 is acidic, above 7 is alkaline). ...
Results: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University With culture-based and molecular methods, considerable progress has been made in characterizing the complex microbial communities associated with Key Largo ...
Outreach: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University A key outreach element of this project is the Summer Microbiology and Research Training (SMaRT) Microbiology of Marine Sponges (MOMS) course. The first SMaRT ...
Project Significance: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Contaminated Aquifer MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University At the turn of the last Century, municipalities throughout the northeastern U.S. provided street lighting for citizens through lanterns fueled by volatile gases ...
McMurdo Dry Valleys:Principal Investigators part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:McMurdo MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University John C. Priscu (more info) Professor, (P.I.) Montana State University Department of Land Resources and Environmental Sciences Bozeman, MT 59717 ...
Results:Contaminated Aquifer MO part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Contaminated Aquifer MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University (seetableof naphthalene-degrading bacteria grown from site samples, and other results from this project) Using a combination of molecular techniques and field ...
Red Layer Microbial Observatory (RLMO):Phase 1 and 2 part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Red Layer
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Phase 1- Goals During the first 5 years of this project (1998-2002), research objectives were two-fold: (1) To isolate and describe DNA segments ...
2005 Sampling Field Trip:3 Days in the Desert part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Nevada Hot Springs MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Hot Springs by Day: Day 1 - Eagleville Hot Spring (05EV47), Temp. 43°C pH 8.9 Day 2 - Surprise Valley (05SV2CON-1), Temp. 67 °C pH 6.1 Surprise Valley ...
RLMO Education and Outreach part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Red Layer
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The RLMO project provides the basis for a variety of educational opportunities for secondary level (8-12th grade) and university level students. RLMO partners with ...
Project Significance: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Research conducted at this Microbial Observatory will enhance understanding of large-scale microbial diversity by focusing on the diversity of microbial ...
McMurdo Dry Valleys: Water Sample Analysis part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:McMurdo MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The niskin bottle, shown below on the left, is attached to a winch and collects water at specific depths for biogeochemical analysis of the lake. Water samples are ...
The Nitrogen Cycle: part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:North Inlet MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The nitrogen cycle represents one of the most important nutrient cycles found in terrestrial ecosystems. Nitrogen is used by living organisms to produce a number of ...
Thermal Virus Hosts in Yellowstone part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University TEM of Acidianus showing the typical irregular lobed morphology of the species. Acidianus belongs to the archaeal order of Sulfolobales based on its morphology and ...
Experimental Approach: part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Site Identification: Identify thermal features with favorable conditions for host organisms. Sample identified sites with established sterile aerobic/anaerobic ...
Culturing Viral Host Organisms: part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Aerobic Culturing: Samples that are taken aerobically are inoculated into a variety of culture medias in the lab. When culturing aerobic thermophiles, such as ...
Viruses found in Yellowstone: part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Thermal viruses previously identified in other parts of the world:
Sulfolobus: part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Image of Sulfolobus from Yellowstone. The host cell shown here is infected with SSV type virus. Virus is seen vaguely inside the cell, attached to the S-layer cell ...
Environmental Sampling part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Environmental Sampling
Created by George Rice and Monica Z. Bruckner, Montana State University Collecting samples involves the isolation and careful gathering of specimens of interest in a given environmental study. Important ...
Genomics: ( genetics - genes - genetic code - RNA/DNA) part of Microbial Life:Research Methods:Genomics
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The branch of biotechnology concerned with applying the techniques of genetics and molecular biology to the genetic mapping and DNA sequencing of sets of genes or ...
MLER Methods: part of Microbial Life:Research Methods
Created by George Rice, Montana State University This Resource is Designed to Help You - Read science news and research articles. Understand science seminars outside of your discipline. Talk intelligently to ...
A Genomics-enabled Microbial Observatory in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Monterey Bay MO
Research Goals: In the Monterey Bay, a typical milliliter of surface water contains on the order of a million microbial cells (in open ocean waters this drops to around one hundred thousand cells per milliliter). ...
Dynamics of Prokaryotic Communities in a Southeastern U.S. Salt Marsh part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Sapelo Island MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Background: The Sapelo Island Microbial Observatory ( 'SIMO') is investigating the diversity of prokaryotes, their physiological ...
M.O. Title: An Oligotrophic Oceanic Microbial Observatory part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Oligotrophic Ocean MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University This project focuses geographically on the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site. This site is one of the longest time-series studies of oceanographic ...
M.O. Title:Microbial Diversity of Prokaryotes in Marine Sponges of the Class Demospongiae part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Marine Sponges MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Intro Narrative: Sponges are the predominant organisms in many tropical reef ecosystems and contain a great diversity of microbial symbionts. These symbiotic ...
The Red Layer Microbial Observatory—a Research Experience for Undergraduates in Yellowstone part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Red Layer
This title combines two official grant titles this project has encompassed: 2000-2002 "Undergraduate Research in the Molecular Diversity of Hot Spring Bacteria"; and 2003-7 "A Longitudinal Molecular ...
Collaborative Research: Microbial Diversity and Function in the Permanently Ice-Covered Lakes of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:McMurdo MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The dry valleys of Antarctica form the coldest, driest, and windiest ecosystems known. Robert Falcon Scott (more info) , one of the earliest explorers of the ...
M.O. Title: Observing Microbial Diversity and Horizontal Gene Transfer In A Shallow Contaminated Aquifer part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Contaminated Aquifer MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Project Summary Research Goals: This project has been designed to advance knowledge about the diversity and activity of microorganisms residing in subsurface water ...
Mo Title: North Inlet Microbial Observatory (NIMO) part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:North Inlet MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University The diazotrophic (nitrogen fixing) Bacteria are extraordinarily diverse and apart from a few select groups are very poorly characterized. Diazotrophs ...
M.O. Title: Diversity, function, and biogeochemical consequences of chemolithoautotrophic Archaea in Nevada hot springs part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories:Nevada Hot Springs MO
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Intro Narrative: "Alkalithermophilic Chemolithoautotrophic Crenarchaeota" is a mouthful to say, but it precisely describes the new types of ...
Microbial Observatories (MO) part of Microbial Life:Microbial Observatories
Created by George Rice, Montana State University "Advances in molecular biology, genomics and bioinformatics, and cultivation technologies herald a new age of exploration of the microbial world. The Microbial ...
Looking For Thermal Viruses in Yellowstone National Park part of Microbial Life:Topics of Interest:Yellowstone Thermal Viruses
Created by George Rice, Montana State University Why Viruses in High Temperature Environments Viruses of Archaeal hyper-thermophiles (temperatures in excess of 80oC) are interesting because they can reveal what ...