Environment: Monterey Bay
Results:Monterey Bay MO
Phylogenetic reconstruction of family trees from environmental genomic libraries:
(click on figure title to download pdf's of the individual phylogenetic trees)
Figure 1 (Acrobat (PDF) 270kB Feb2 06) from Suzuki et al 2004. A zoom-in on one region of the family tree of some of the Monterey Bay environmental clones. Phylogenetic reconstruction (neighbor joining) of the planktonic gamma-Proteobacteria including near-full-length SSU rRNA sequences (>1400 base pairs) of isolates and BAC clones (boldface), and nonchimeric environmental rRNA clones (prefix env. clone). Burkholderia cepacia (not shown) was used as the outgroup. Bootstrap values were based on 100 replicated trees. * Denotes groups that contain only rRNA gene clones retrieved in PCR-based clone libraries. Underlined clades represent newly defined groups. Bolded clades do not contain cultured representatives.
Figure 2 (Acrobat (PDF) 263kB Feb2 06) from Suzuki et al 2004. Another family-tree zoom-in. Phylogenetic reconstruction (neighbor joining) of the Roseobacter group including near-full-length SSU rRNA sequences (>1400 base pairs) of isolates and BAC clones (boldface), and nonchimeric environmental rRNA clones (prefix env. clone). Bootstrap values were based on 100 replicated trees. * Denotes groups that contain only rRNA gene clones retrieved in PCR-based clone libraries. Underlined clades represent newly defined clades. Bolded clades do not contain cultured representatives.
Figure 3 (Acrobat (PDF) 244kB Feb2 06) from Suzuki et al 2004. A third family-tree zoom-in on a region of the "Tree of Life" and the Monterey Bay clones. Phylogenetic reconstruction (neighbor joining) of the class Rhodospirillales including near-full-length SSU rRNA sequences (>1300 base pairs) of isolates and BAC clones (boldface), and nonchimeric environmental rRNA clones (prefix env. clone). Bootstrap values were based on 100 replicated trees. * Denotes groups that contain only rRNA gene clones retrieved in PCR-based clone libraries. Underlined clades represent newly defined clades. Bolded clades do not contain cultured representatives.
Please visit the DeLong Lab.
Copyright on all images and material by Ed DeLong, 2005.