Theme: Curriculum Design

The programming listed below seeks to address the topic of Curriculum Design.

The Whys and Hows of Implementing Virtual and Augmented Reality in Earth Science Classrooms WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Stephen Moysey, East Carolina University
Ben Maas, Metropolitan State University
Kelly Lazar, Clemson University
Alexander Klippel, Pennsylvania State University-Main Campus
Natalie Bursztyn, The University of Montana-Missoula

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Click here for the Participant Workspace (Login Required) Check out SERC's Teaching with Augmented and Virtual Reality page and join the community! Regardless of whether they are in a classroom or online, do ...
Creating Inquiry-Based Labs for Introductory Geology Courses WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Kelsey Bitting, Elon University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico

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Inquiry based laboratory activities in undergraduate introductory geoscience courses are important opportunities to engage students in face-to-face and online environments. Often, laboratory activities are ...
Teaching your upper-level course online: A Community Collaboration to build robust online Geoscience courses WORKSHOP
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Anne Egger, Central Washington University
Jennifer Wenner, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

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Are you worried about teaching your upper-level course in one of the "alternate" formats required by the COVID-19 pandemic? Or perhaps you already did so and know what worked pretty well and what needs ...
Strategies for Incorporating Sustainability Throughout your Earth Science Course AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Christopher Berg, Orange Coast College

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So you've heard about some of the new data-rich, sustainability-focused activities in teaching collections like InTeGrate, but you're not sure how to successfully adapt your course to incorporate them (or ...
The Water-Literate Citizen: Help Develop a New Framework Document for Water Literacy AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Monday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Hillary Hamann, University of Denver
Sarah Johnson, Wild Rose Education
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Anne Egger, Central Washington University

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Be a part of the development of a Water Literacy Framework Document, similar to the Earth Science Literacy, Ocean Science Literacy documents comprised of "big ideas and supporting concepts." Such a ...
Toward an undergraduate certificate program in natural hazards planning and mitigation POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-12:30pm PT / 1:00-1:30pm MT / 2:00-2:30pm CT / 3:00-3:30pm ET Online

Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Heather Fischer, Oregon State University
Elizabeth Wentz, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Patricia Gober, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus

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Natural hazards pose risks to people, institutions, and infrastructure. These risks are rendered more extreme, more complex, and more challenging to manage by global climate change. Recent extreme events including ...
Taphonomy: Dead and Fossilized SHARE-A-THON
Wednesday 12:00-2:00pm PT / 1:00-3:00pm MT / 2:00-4:00pm CT / 3:00-5:00pm ET Online

Enrique Reyes, Northside ISD - San Antonio
Rowan Martindale, The University of Texas at Austin
Estefania Salgado-Jauregui, Servicio Geologico Colombiano

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"Taphonomy: Dead and Fossilized" is a unique board game experience that aims to teach the concepts of Taphonomy, the process of fossilization and preservation biases, through gameplay. Students will ...
So what does a degree in geology actually mean? A review of commonly required courses POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm PT / 1:00-2:00pm MT / 2:00-3:00pm CT / 3:00-4:00pm ET Online

Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Unlike other fields such as chemistry (ACS, 2019), engineering, physics (ABET, 2019) and biology (ASBMB, 2019), the geosciences have no greater accrediting body. In terms of the classes that are required, there is ...
Exploring methods for teaching 3D introductory geology content: Analyzing the influence of 3D teaching methods and virtual learning environments POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-1:00pm PT / 1:00-2:00pm MT / 2:00-3:00pm CT / 3:00-4:00pm ET Online

Gillian B Haberli, EarthScope
Kinnari Atit, University of California-Riverside
Heather Ford, University of California-Riverside

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Studies show that students' 3D spatial skills are correlated to their success in various scientific domains, including geology. In recent years, online classes are growing more popular in all STEM fields, ...
Model-Based Teaching and Learning about Earth's Climate in Secondary Science Classrooms POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12-2:30pm PT / 1-3:30pm MT / 2-4:30pm CT / 3-5:30pm ET Online

Devarati Bhattacharya, Central Washington University
Kimberly Carroll Steward, University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Cory Forbes, The University of Texas at Arlington

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Teaching and learning about Earth's climate and global climate change (GCC) is increasingly emphasized in secondary science classrooms in the US to help students develop understanding, communicate, and make ...
Developing a New Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Geophysics and Hydrology Field Camp POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-1:30pm PT / 1:00-2:30pm MT / 2:00-3:30pm CT / 3:00-4:30pm ET Online

Marianne Karplus, University of Texas at El Paso
Hugo Gutierrez, University of Texas at El Paso
Lin Ma, University of Texas at El Paso
Aaron Velasco, University of Texas at El Paso

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A team of faculty at The University of Texas at El Paso developed and taught a new, three-week interdisciplinary undergraduate Geophysics and Hydrology Field Camp in Valles Caldera National Preserve during May ...
Promoting Inclusion in the Geosciences with an Equity-Minded Syllabus POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 12:00-12:30pm PT / 1:00-1:30pm MT / 2:00-2:30pm CT / 3:00-3:30pm ET Online

Cindy Shellito, University of Northern Colorado
Susan Keenan, University of Northern Colorado
Cassendra Bergstrom, University of Northern Colorado
Lori Reinvold, University of Northern Colorado
Jodie Novak, University of Northern Colorado
Sharon Bywater-Reyes, University of Northern Colorado

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The syllabus provides a first opportunity to leave an impression on your students and can go a long way in helping to promote an inclusive environment in your course, especially for marginalized students. ...
Evidence for Reformed Teaching in Undergraduate Geoscience Course Syllabi ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Karen Viskupic, Boise State University
Doug Czajka, Utah Valley University
Rachel Teasdale, California State University-Chico

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A syllabus introduces students to information about a course, is one of the first ways students and instructors interact, and sets the tone of the course. We reviewed course syllabi of instructors who we observed ...
A Hybrid Kinesthetic-Visual-Inquiry Based Approach to Heighten College-Level Students' Understanding of Plate Tectonics: An Evidence Based Study ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Melanie Will-Cole, Central New Mexico Community College

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One of the most critical science phenomena which geoscience students are expected to comprehend is plate tectonics (PT), a physically, chemically and mathematically complex process that is too immense and too slow ...
Using Models, Local Data and Hands-on Science to Develop Sophisticated Student Understanding of how and why Watersheds Flood ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:05 PT / 1:05 MT / 2:05 CT / 3:05 ET Online

Alan Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Bess Caplan, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Chelsea McClure, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

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Comp Hydro is an NSF-funded education research and curriculum development project exploring the integration of models and data into teaching about hydrologic phenomena of local concern. It is based on the idea ...
Engaging your faculty colleagues in evidence-based practices using SAGE 2YC resources: Book clubs, journal clubs, and implementation groups ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:20 PT / 1:20 MT / 2:20 CT / 3:20 ET Online

Carol Ormand Ph.D., Carleton College
Heather Macdonald, College of William and Mary
Eric Baer, Highline Community College
Norlene Emerson, University of Wisconsin-Platteville
Jan Hodder, University of Oregon
John McDaris, Carleton College
Kristin O'Connell, Carleton College

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SAGE 2YC is a national network of 2YC geoscience faculty who use evidence-based strategies to improve students' academic success, broaden participation in STEM, and facilitate students' professional ...
Utilizing Android Phones for NASA Relative Measurements TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 12:31 PT / 1:31 MT / 2:31 CT / 3:31 ET Online

CONSTANCE MEADORS, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff
Katina White, Forest Heights Middle school
Dr. Cynthia Lawry-Berkins, University of Arkansas - Pulaski Technical College

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Phones have become a part of our lives. They are used to measure many physical activities and measurements such as heart rate. However, academia often bands the use of phones in the classroom. This activity is ...
The Role of Virtual Reality in Science Education: A Literature Review ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:35 PT / 1:35 MT / 2:35 CT / 3:35 ET Online

Kevin Hurler, University of South Carolina-Columbia
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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Earth is a complex web of interconnected systems and feedback loops, including both the natural and anthropogenic spheres that govern our planet. Relating these systems, a process called earth systems thinking, ...
Team-based experiential learning in the Geosciences: lessons from an Ecohydrology course with a diverse student group ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 12:50 PT / 1:50 MT / 2:50 CT / 3:50 ET Online

Hugo Gutierrez, University of Texas at El Paso

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A team-based experiential learning oriented class using ecohydrologic theory and research as the main topic was pilot-tested at a cross-listed graduate/undergraduate class. The class was based on a research ...
"The World in a River": Lessons Learned While Redesigning and Researching an Introductory Earth Science Course for Preservice Elementary Teachers POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 1:00-2:00pm PT / 2:00-3:00pm MT / 3:00-4:00pm CT / 4:00-5:00pm ET Online

Danielle Ford, University of Delaware
Susan McGeary, University of Delaware
Jennifer Gallo-Fox, University of Delaware
Cheryl Ackerman, University of Delaware

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The authors discuss their efforts to transform a large introductory course for preservice early childhood and elementary teacher education majors and understand its impact on learners. The course was redesigned to ...
Overcoming Narrative Challenges in Geosciences TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:26 PT / 2:26 MT / 3:26 CT / 4:26 ET Online

Matthew Oliver, University of Delaware
Jonathan Cohen, University of Delaware

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One consequence of living in a highly connected world is that students are bombarded with geoscience information claiming to support or encourage particular attitudes or dispositions toward the natural world. These ...
Communicating Beyond Visuals: Materials to Support Blind and Visually-Impaired Students in an Introductory Geology Course SHARE-A-THON
Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm PT / 2:30-3:30pm MT / 3:30-4:30pm CT / 4:30-5:30pm ET Online

Annie Klyce, Vanderbilt University
Katherine Ryker, University of South Carolina-Columbia

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An introductory geology course can be daunting to students even with full use of their eyes, but students who are blind or visually-impaired experience a new world of challenges. Common, visual-based tasks include ...
Graduate Course-based Research Experiences: Lessons Learned from Mississippi State University ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 1:30 PT / 2:30 MT / 3:30 CT / 4:30 ET Online

Larry Collins, Longwood University
Brenda Kirkland, Mississippi State University
Kathy Sherman-Morris, Mississippi State University
karen mcneal, Auburn University Main Campus
Nina Baghai Riding, Delta State University
Amanda Lawrence, Mississippi State University

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Course-based Research Experiences are a growing area of interest, because they allow learning and engagement to take place by involving students in real, broadly applicable research. At Mississippi State ...
Assessing the Impact of Department Climate and Redesigned Curriculum on Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Learning and Inclusion POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm PT / 2:30-3:30pm MT / 3:30-4:30pm CT / 4:30-5:30pm ET Online

Alexandra Snell, Texas A & M University
Julie Newman, Texas A & M University
David Sparks, Texas A & M University

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The Department of Geology & Geophysics (G&G) at Texas A&M University recently underwent a curriculum redesign. This study assesses the effect of both departmental climate and redesigned curriculum on ...
Using 2D models to teach how and why watersheds flood SHARE-A-THON
Wednesday 1:30-2:30pm PT / 2:30-3:30pm MT / 3:30-4:30pm CT / 4:30-5:30pm ET Online

Alan Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Bess Caplan, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

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We will demonstrate how to use a 2D watershed model to simulate how and why watersheds flood. The model, "Floorlandia," simulates water movement across an imaginary landscape, with students moving beads ...
Overcoming programming challenges in Geosciences TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday 1:39 PT / 2:39 MT / 3:39 CT / 4:39 ET Online

Jonathan Cohen, University of Delaware
Matthew Oliver, University of Delaware

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One consequence of living in a highly connected world is that students are bombarded with geoscience information claiming to be scientifically factual. One major challenge for students trying to determine the ...
Enhancing Student Learning in Introductory Physics Through Funds of Knowledge POSTER SESSION
Wednesday 2:00-2:30pm PT / 3:00-3:30pm MT / 4:00-4:30pm CT / 5:00-5:30pm ET Online

Liang Zeng, The University of Texas Rio Grande valley
Guang Zeng, Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi

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Researchers have reported funds of knowledge (FK) pedagogical approach effective in engaging minority students in learning. However, there is a lack of studies connecting FK to introductory college physics or ...
How do students choose to assess themselves prior to exams? Investigating the effects of implementing a "dynamic" quizzing feature within a web-based assessment tool. ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:00 PT / 3:00 MT / 4:00 CT / 5:00 ET Online

Jason Jones, North Carolina State University
David McConnell, North Carolina State University

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Students are often unaware of potential gaps in their knowledge while preparing for course exams until it is too late. As a result, we developed a web-based assessment tool called the Confidence-based Learning ...
Teaching experimental design in a sophomore-level lab class ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:15 PT / 3:15 MT / 4:15 CT / 5:15 ET Online

Allison Luengen, University of San Francisco
Amalia Kokkinaki, University of San Francisco

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Air and Water lecture and lab is a required second-year course in our environmental science undergraduate degree. The course is an introductory environmental chemistry course. To revamp the labs, we asked, ...
The True Cost of Participation – Addressing Financial Barriers to Field Education ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:15 PT / 3:15 MT / 4:15 CT / 5:15 ET Online

Antoinette Abeyta, University of New Mexico-Gallup Campus
Anjali Fernandes, Denison University
Robert Mahon, University of New Orleans
Travis Swanson, Georgia Southern University

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Fieldwork is often cited as a critical component of geoscience education, and is an opportunity for individuals to gain and develop valuable technical skills necessary for entering the workforce. It is estimated ...
Integrating Chemistry and Local Earth Phenomena to Promote Environmental Literacy ORAL SESSION
Wednesday 2:15 PT / 3:15 MT / 4:15 CT / 5:15 ET Online

Chelsea McClure, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Alan Berkowitz, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Bess Caplan, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
Jonathon Groom, George Washington University
Kevin Garner, Baltimore City Public School System
Kevin Fleming, George Washington University
Vonceil Anderson, Baltimore City Public School System

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Integrating Chemistry and Earth science (ICE) is an NSF-funded project of the Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Baltimore City Public Schools, George Washington University and scientists and educators from the ...
Course design: Integrating ecosystem approach, sustainability principles and scientific concepts in non-STEM curricula TEACHING DEMONSTRATION
Wednesday N/A Online

Dr. Archana Sharma, Terraafont Consulting LLC

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A ten minutes of descriptive expository talk would be shared with the audience on designing a new course or retrofitting a current course to integrate ecosystem approach, sustainability principles and scientific ...
Teaching for a Changing World: Water resources and melting ice WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Becca Walker, Mt. San Antonio College
Beth Pratt-Sitaula, EarthScope Consortium

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Integrating cutting edge data and quantitative skills into introductory courses can be challenging. The GEodesy Tools for Societal Issues (GETSI) project has developed a suite of undergraduate teaching modules to ...
Course Design: Using effective lesson design strategies to enhance the use of active learning WORKSHOP
Thursday, Friday 8-11am PT / 9am-12pm MT / 10am-1pm CT / 11am-2pm ET Online

Reginald Archer, Tennessee State University
Jason Jones, North Carolina State University

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This workshop will address how to approach course design in a manner that will maximize clarity and provide opportunities for all students to succeed. Participants will work collaboratively with workshop leaders ...
Applying the ICAP Theory of Cognitive Engagement to Active Geoscience Learning AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:30-4:00pm PT / 2:30-5:00pm MT / 3:30-6:00pm CT / 4:30-7:00pm ET Online

Cathy Cullicott, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus
Steven Semken, Arizona State University at the Tempe Campus

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While research supports the use of active learning methods in teaching geoscience and other STEM courses, determining what constitutes "active learning" is a challenge to incorporating more such methods. ...
Eos in the Classroom: Building Educational Resources with Science News AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:30-4:00pm PT / 2:30-5:00pm MT / 3:30-6:00pm CT / 4:30-7:00pm ET Online

Eric Riggs, Humboldt State University
Heather Goss, American Geophysical Union

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The Earth and space sciences are exciting because they literally span the entire world—the entire universe—that we live in, but this magnitude can sometimes be difficult to capture and convey to students. ...
Theories of Change and Logic Models AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:30-4:00pm PT / 2:30-5:00pm MT / 3:30-6:00pm CT / 4:30-7:00pm ET Online

Ellen Iverson, Carleton College

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Increasingly theories of change are expected to be a central component articulated within education research grant proposals and manuscripts. At the end of this short workshop, participants will be able to ...
Broadening participation in the geosciences through undergraduate on-ramps: Lessons learned in the SAGE 2YC Project AFTERNOON MINI WORKSHOP
Thursday 1:30-4:00pm PT / 2:30-5:00pm MT / 3:30-6:00pm CT / 4:30-7:00pm ET Online

Andrea Bair, Delta College

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The geosciences are currently among the least diverse of all science fields. Broadening participation at all levels likely requires both confronting issues of implicit bias and privilege, and concerted efforts ...