The Water-Literate Citizen: Help Develop a New Framework Document for Water Literacy

Be a part of the development of a Water Literacy Framework Document, similar to the Earth Science Literacy, Ocean Science Literacy documents comprised of "big ideas and supporting concepts." Such a framework can guide educators, curriculum developers, policy makers, and other stakeholders to work towards a populace where every American understands the basics of water, and is empowered, skilled, and motivated to take action to ensure a sustainable water future. In this workshop panelists will review water literacy research, discuss Project WET's water literacy curriculum and describe best practices in literacy framework development. Participants will contribute to group discussions to brainstorm key ideas that should be included in the Water Literacy Framework and will plan future steps to make this document a reality.
All mini-workshops will take place online, via Zoom (unless otherwise noted). Participants will be sent links to the Zoom room and connection info will be posted below prior to the session start.
Session Connection Info
This workshop has already taken place.
Sign up to join in this effort
By the end of this workshop, we hope to compile a list of initial concepts and identify next steps to develop a new (fresh)water literacy framework document. Specifically, participants will
- Become familiar the current state of water literacy research and water-related K-12 science standards.
- Identify the elements of the Big Ideas-Supporting Concepts framework documents and gain perspective on best practices in developing these documents.
- Contribute and synthesize ideas for a new water literacy framework document.
- Develop next-steps and a plan to move forward
- Please review the resources and links provided to familiarize yourself with the "Big Ideas & Supporting Concepts" (alternatively: "Essential Principles & Fundamental Concepts") framework for literacy documents, as well as review the 7 Essential Principles for Water Literacy developed by Project WET.
- Please think about specific supporting concepts as well as what's missing from the existing documents that should be included in a water literacy framework document.
Participant Workspace
(limited access)
(Program starts at 12pm PT / 1pm MT / 2pm CT / 3pm ET; times below are represented as hour:minute to standardize among time zones)
0:00-0:10 Welcome, overview of workshop & online strategy
0:10-0:50 Panel presentations
- State of water literacy research (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Jul13 20) - Hillary Hamman and Meghan McCarroll, University of Denver
- Water-related K-12 science standards (Acrobat (PDF) 179kB Jul13 20) - Corey Forbes, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Project WET & 7 Essential Principles (Acrobat (PDF) 1.6MB Jul14 20) - Julia Beck, Project WET
- Lessons from other literacy documents (Acrobat (PDF) 220kB Jul13 20) - Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
0:50-1:05 Individual brainstorming and concept contributions in GroupMap
1:05-1:50 Break-out groups around GroupMaps
1:50-2:20 Full group discussion:
- Share one provocative idea from your group
- Group discussion and planning for next steps
2:20-2:30 Wrap-up and evaluation
- Earth Science Literacy Initiative & Framework Documents:
- Ocean Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts of Ocean Sciences for Learners of all Ages: and
- Great Lakes Literacy (2018): Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts for Great Lakes Learning, from the Center for Great Lakes Literacy:
- Principles and Concepts for Estuaries 101: The Big Ideas and Essential Details Students should Learn about Estuaries, from NOAA's Office for Coastal Management:
- Project WET (Water Education Today):; scroll down on this page to view the 7 Water Literacy Principles developed by Project WET:
Links mentioned in chat during the session:
- Earth Education for Sustainable Societies Workshop
- Special Issue of Water journal focused on Water Literacy and Education:
- Water Literacy Ladder -
- Special issue on Water in the Native World, edited by Dr. Chief -
- Cory Forbes' site - National Collaborative for Research on Food, Energy, and Water Education
- Example of a link Cross-walk
- Project Wet
- Project Wet principles (see bottom of the page)
- GroupMaps (the tool we used during this session)
Group Maps from workshop participants (click images to enlarge):