Protecting Human Subjects in Student Inquiry Projects
ACM Symposium on Protecting Human Subjects in Student Inquiry Projects
Northfield, Minnesota | 4.00 pm Thursday, February 23 – 1.00 pm Saturday, February 25, 2012
This symposium will help the ACM and its member institutions meet the legal, ethical, and educational obligations in the supervision and conduct of undergraduate projects more effectively, efficiently, and consistently, both within and across institutions. Together we will: develop recommendations for professional development for supervisors of student projects; clarify the definitions and procedures involved in determining whether a student project requires IRB review; review drafts of brief educational materials for undergraduates that help explain the relevance of federal standards for human subjects protection; and develop recommendations for ensuring the protection of human subjects in student projects that do not require IRB review.
Call for Participation (Acrobat (PDF) 102kB Dec14 11)
The Call for Participation was sent to the chief academic officers and the IRB chairs of all ACM institutions in September 2011.
Participant roster (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 23kB Feb14 12)
Names and contact information for the thirty-two confirmed symposium participants, representing all fourteen ACM institutions.
Travel reimbursement request form (Microsoft Word 50kB Feb13 12)
Participants whose expenses are being funded by the ACM project grant should email this completed form, with a scanned copy of all receipts, to by March 9, 2012. The participant roster indicates which participants' expenses are ACM-funded.
Draft symposium documents and participant assignments
Policy, procedural, and educational documents for consideration by symposium participants prior to and during the symposiumWorking drafts (private access only) [new as of 2-29-12]
A private workspace for documents under construction by symposium participants
Federal regulations and resources
Links to the Common Rule (45 CFR 46) and selected policy guidance documents from the federal Office for Human Research ProtectionsAdditional educational and policy resources
IRB websites at ACM member colleges
Links to on-line training websites and other resources to support institutional policy development and effective instruction in human subjects protection
Links to the Institutional Review Board pages for each ACM institution that has an IRB website
Travel information
Driving directions to Northfield, car rental and rideshare information for those traveling between the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport and Northfield, accommodations and other logistical details.