Friday, September 24
5:00 Registration -Cole Library
5:30 Dinner - Harlan Dining Room, The Commons
6:30 Welcome from Laurel Whisler, College Librarian, and introductions -Harlan Dining Room, The Commons
6:45 Kenote Presentation: In Pursuit of Fluency: Information Literacy, Technology, and Language Learning (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 4MB Jun24 11)
Sue Otto, Director, Language Media Center, University of Iowa
Saturday, September 25
8:30-8:45 Opening remarks by Laurel Whisler, College Librarian - Hedges Conference Room, The Commons
8:45-9:15 What Do We Mean By Information Literacy Jen Rouse, Cornell College - Hedges Conference Room, The Commons9:15-10:15 Information Literacy Activity - Hedges Conference Room, The Commons
10:15-10:30 Break - Shaw Conference Room, The Commons10:30-11:00 Discussion of Information Literacy Activity - Hedges Conference Room, The Commons
11:00-11:40 & 11:40-12:15 Concurrent Sessions I:
Group A: Authentic Inquiry & Critical Thinking Facilitators: Devan Baty & Jen Rouse - MLK, The Commons
Group B: Creating Communities Group Facilitators: Marcela Ochoa-Shivapour & Rebecca Wines - Paris, The Commons
Group C: Synthesis and Analysis Facilitators: John Gruber-Miller & Laurel Whisler -Stockholm, The Commons
12:15-1:15 Lunch - Harlan Dining Room, The Commons
1:30-2:15 Concurrent Sessions II:
Session for Faculty and Technologists: Technology and Teaching Foreign Languages - Humanities Lab, 102 College Hall
Presenter: Renata Debaska-McWilliams, World Languages Center Director, St. Olaf
Session for Librarians: Round Table Discussion -Room 108, Cole Library2:15-3:15 Discussion of Technology Session and Idea Sharing-Second Floor, Cole Library
3:15-3:30 Break
3:30-4:15 Report out on work conducted in both sessions -Second Floor & Cole 212, Cole Library
4:15 Parting words and evaluation