Workshop Program

Note: the 2011 workshop is over. Find out more about the "Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences" workshops,or read on for more information about the 2011 workshop.

Jump down toTuesday |Wednesday |Thursday


Monday, June 6, 2011

1:00-6:00 Workshop registration - Kauffman Academic Residential Center

Optional pre-workshop events on Monday afternoon


1:00-2:15 Concurrent sessions 1

2:30-3:30 Concurrent sessions 2

  • A field trip to the deep crust: new tools and new interpretations from North America's largest sample of continental lower crust, Athabasca Granulite Terrane, Canada - Michael Williams - Kauffman 112
  • Challenges and strategies for teaching online courses - presenter TBA - Kauffman 110

3:45-4:45 Families and careers, a panel discussion - Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe (moderator) and other workshop leaders - Kauffman Great Hall

Discussion of issues, opportunities, and choices associated with families and careers, including children, dual-career couples, and more, followed by questions from the participants.

Workshop begins


5:00-6:00 Reception and icebreaker activity - Kauffman Great Hall

6:00-7:00 Dinner - Kauffman Great Hall

7:00-9:00 Introductions and opening session - Kauffman Great Hall

  • Welcome, introductions, workshop goals, and overview - Barbara Tewksbury, Robyn Wright Dunbar, and Katryn Wiese
  • Where do you want to go? A spectrum of academic careers: panel and discussion - Workshop leaders from different types of colleges and universities

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

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7:00-8:00 Breakfast - Selleck Dining Hall

8:15-8:35 Overview of day and preparing now for your future academic career in the geosciences - Barbara Tewksbury - Kauffman Great Hall

Theme for the day: who are you as a teacher?


8:40-9:40 Teaching science: what research tells us about science and learning (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 445kB Jun7 11) - Robyn Wright Dunbar - Kauffman Great Hall

9:40-10:00 Break

10:00-10:50 Teaching breakout sessions 1 

11:00-11:50 Teaching breakout sessions 2

  • Getting the level right: figuring out how to teach to YOUR students - Ed Harvey - Kauffman Great Hall
  • Effective teaching in the field (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 12.8MB Jun7 11) - Devin Castendyk - Kauffman 110

12:00-1:00 Lunch and optional lunch-time birds of a feather discussions - Selleck Dining Hall

  • International Faculty: Challenges Faced by International Faculty and Opportunities to Work Abroad
  • Teaching Non-Majors/Gen-Ed/Intro Courses
  • Incorporating Research into the Classroom
  • Evaluations and the Road to Tenure


1:30-3:15 Designing effective classroom/laboratory/field activities (PowerPoint 4.4MB Jun2 11) - Barbara Tewksbury- Kauffman Great Hall

3:15-3:45 Break

3:45-5:00 Teaching statements concurrent sessions: articulating your teaching goals and highlighting your accomplishments

  • Introduction to teaching statements - Robyn Wright Dunbar - Kauffman Great Hall

This session is designed to "jump start" the writing process for those who have yet to draft a teaching statement. Participants will articulate their teaching goals and accomplishments and begin the process of folding these into a concise teaching statement.

  • Review of teaching statements - Katryn Wiese and other workshop leaders - Kauffman 110, 112, and 116

Participants who bring five copies of their teaching statements will work in small groups, each with a workshop leader, reviewing each other's statements and offering feedback. Leaders will also offer their comments.

5:00-5:20 Wrap-up and daily "road check" - Kauffman Great Hall

6:00-7:00 Dinner - Selleck Dining Hall

7:30-8:30 Optional evening discussions

  • Early Career Time Management - Robyn Dunbar, Rachel O'Brien - Kauffman 112
  • Writing Your First Research Grant - Michael Williams, Ed Harvey, Barbara Tewksbury - Kauffman 110
  • Short reviews (10 minutes) of curriculum vitae and/or cover letter for job application for participants who have brought these things with them - Katryn Wiese and Devin Castendyk - Kauffman Great Hall

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

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7:00-8:00 Breakfast - Selleck Dining Hall

Theme for the morning: Who are you as a researcher?

8:15-8:25 Overview of day and report on daily road check - Kauffman Great Hall

8:25-9:20 Presenting yourself to others (PowerPoint 849kB Jun7 11) - Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe and Barbara Tewksbury - Kauffman Great Hall

In the job search process you will have very brief, yet critical, opportunities to convey your work to others. Participants in this session will refine a personal "Elevator Talk," a paragraph that describes the nature and significance of your research and is aimed at an audience of other geoscientists. You will then practice talking about your work to others.

9:30-10:10 Moving your research forward to new settings: breakout sessions (will be repeated at 10:20)

  • Two-year colleges (Acrobat (PDF) 164kB Jun7 11) - Katryn Wiese - Kauffman 112
  • Primarily undergraduate institutions – Devin Castendyk, Barbara Tewksbury, and Rachel O'Brien - Kauffman 110
  • Graduate institutions – Michael Williams, Ed Harvey, and Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe - Kauffman Great Hall

10:10-10:20 Break

10:20-11:00 Moving your research forward to new settings: breakout sessions (repeated from 10:20)

  • Two-year colleges (Acrobat (PDF) 164kB Jun7 11) - Katryn Wiese - Kauffman 112
  • Primarily undergraduate institutions – Devin Castendyk, Barbara Tewksbury, and Rachel O'Brien - Kauffman 110
  • Graduate institutions – Mike Williams, Ed Harvey, and Francisca Oboh-Ikuenobe - Kauffman Great Hall

11:10-12:10 Research statements: concurrent sessions

This session is designed to "jump start" the writing process for those who have yet to draft a research statement and will include discussion of key aspects of research statements intended for a particular type of institution (e.g., liberal arts college, research university).

  • Review of research statements - Michael Williams and other workshop leaders - Kauffman 110, 112, and 116

Participants who submitted research statements in advance will review each other's research statements and will discuss key aspects of research statements intended for a particular type of institution (e.g., liberal arts college, research university).

12:10-1:00 Lunch and optional lunch-time birds of a feather discussions (meet at Kauffman Great Hall at 12:45pm if interested in participating in after-lunch discussions)- Selleck Dining Hall

  • Dual Career Couples
  • Courses Potpourri (e.g. grading, using PowerPoint, etc.)
  • Working with Research Students
  • Course Design (e.g. how/when to plan innovative courses; interdisciplinary courses, etc.)
  • iPad apps for geoscience teaching and research (Acrobat (PDF) 113kB Jun15 11)

Theme for the afternoon: choosing where you want to go and getting there

1:30-2:50 Mapping your career: choices, balance, and action planning - Robyn Wright Dunbar and all workshop leaders - Kauffman Great Hall

Given where you are in your career and what you have learned at this workshop, reflect on your long term goals or "dream job." What are your next steps? What advice would help you most at this point?

2:50-3:10 Break

3:10-4:30 The academic job search: applications, interviews, teaching demonstrations, and job talks (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.7MB Jun8 11) - Ed Harvey and all workshop leaders - Kauffman Great Hall

4:30-5:00 Negotiating before you accept an academic position: setting yourself up for success (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 16kB Jun8 11) - Michael Williams and Devin Castendyk - Kauffman Great Hall

5:00-5:30 Next steps andworkshop evaluation - Kauffman Great Hall

6:30 Reception followed by dinner at 7:00 - Kauffman Great Hall

8:00-9:00 Optional evening sessions

  • Student attitudes and motivations - Katryn Wiese - Kauffman 112
  • Other topics that evolve

Thursday, June 9, 2011

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7:00-8:30 Breakfast - Selleck Dining Hall

Optional Workshop Sessions on Thursday morning


8:30-9:30 Concurrent workshops: session I

  • Building collaborative relationships for research - Barbara Tewksbury - Kauffman 112

9:30-9:45 Break

9:45-10:45 Concurrent workshops: session 2

  • Beyond your research - becoming involved in public outreach - Michael Williams - Kauffman 112

10:45-11:00 Break

11:00-12:00 Concurrent workshops: session 3

If you attended any of today's optional sessions, please give us your feedback via theThursday session evaluation form. Thanks!