Pursuing an Academic Career Virtual Event Series
Strategic Early Career Planning: Wednesday, May, 11 2011
Leader: Rachel O'Brien, Allegheny College
This virtual event focuses on helping you learn what's necessary to be a strong job applicant in an academic faculty search. Prior to our interactive session, I'll show you how to develop your own personal inventory of your professional experience and application materials. Once you have completed your inventory, the interactive session will illustrate several examples, and then discuss how you can develop a strategic plan to complete what you need to enter the job market. We hope you will join us!
Goals for participants are to:
- Understand the scope of what's involved in applying for an academic position
- Identify particular elements of your application package and/or professional experience to develop
- Create a personal strategic plan to prepare yourself for the job search process
Time - 3 pm Eastern | 2 pm Central | 1 pm Mountain | 12 pm Pacific
Duration - 1 hour
Format - Online web presentation via Elluminate web conference software with questions and discussion. Participants will receive an email with instructions detailing how to log into the event approximately one week prior to the event.
Registration - There is no registration fee, but registration is required to participate. Space is limited to 30. Applicants need to commit to completing their assignments before the May 11 event. Registration closes when the spaces fill, or on May 4th, whichever comes first. Please complete and submit the registration form if you are interested and able to participate.
Preparation - Shortly after the registration deadline, participants will receive an email with materials for the virtual event, a link to a short video and an assignment to complete prior to the online interactive session (these materials are also provided below). Participants should expect to spend approximately 1 hour on this effort at a time that is convenient for each individual. The online session on May 11th will provide an opportunity for participants to reflect on the results of the assignment, pose any questions they have, and learn how to move forward to strengthen their application package. Participants will receive an email with instructions detailing how to log into the interactive event approximately one week prior to May 11th.
Materials for Preparation
- Early Career Inventory (Microsoft Word 51kB May10 11)
- Early Career Inventory video (MP4 Video 56.2MB May4 11)
Please email Rachel Beane (rbeane AT bowdoin.edu) if you have any questions about this event or Monica Bruckner (mbruckne AT carleton.edu) if you have technical questions.
Rachel O'Brien is an Associate Professor of Geology at Allegheny College. She has been on the faculty since 2000 and currently serves as department chair. She has been a facilitator for several On the Cutting Edge Preparing for an Academic Career workshops. You can read more about her work at a private, liberal arts school on her Career Profile page. Rachel serves as an institutional mentor to junior faculty at Allegheny and enjoys helping others create strategic and successful career plans.References and Resources
Strategic Early Career Planning presentation slides (Acrobat (PDF) 8.5MB May11 11)
Watch the Screencast (MP4 Video 76.5MB May13 11)
References cited in the presentation
- The Art and Politics of College Teaching: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Professor – Karl D. Hostetler, R. McLaran Sawyer, and Keith W. Prichard, eds.
- McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers - Marilla Svinicki and Wilbert J. McKeachie
- The Power of Problem-Based Learning – Barbara J. Duch, Susan E. Groh, and Deborah E. Allen, eds.
- How Learning Works: Seven Research-Based Principles for Smart Teaching - Susan A. Ambrose, Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett, and Marie K. Norman
- Just-in-Time Teaching: Blending Active Learning with Web Technology – Gregor M. Novak, Evelyn T. Patterson, Andrew D. Gavrin, Wolfgang Christian
- Tools for Teaching - Barbara Gross Davis
- Career Strategies for Women in Academia: Arming Athena – Lynn H. Collins, Joan C. Chrisler, and Kathryn Quina, eds.
- Advice for New Faculty Members – Robert Boice
- The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide – John M. Darley, Mark P. Zanna, and Henry L. Roediger III, eds.
- The New Professor's Handbook: A Guide to Teaching and Research in Engineering and Science – Cliff I. Davidson and Susan A. Ambrose
Related Links
General/Overarching Resources:
- On the Cutting Edge - links to On the Cutting Edge module, which include managing your career, enhancing your teaching, and geoscience topics and themes
- Teach the Earth Site Guides - a list of all available site guides for popular topics and resources. The purpose of the site guides is to showcase materials from different projects across the SERC sites that pertain to a certain topic.
Career Preparation and Development:
- The Job Search Process - from the Preparing for an Academic Career module, includes information devoted to helping you through the job search process step by step.
- Beginning your Search - provides information and career profiles to help you find the job that fits your interests.
- Assembling your Application Materials - resources designed to help you write your C.V., cover letter, teaching and research statements, and more.
- Developing Your Teaching Statement - includes useful information about how to write an effective teaching statement.
- Assembling Your Application - includes useful information about writing teaching statements, CVs, and other application statements and materials.
- Preparing to Teach - information about how to get ready for full time teaching, including Getting Teaching Experience.
- Dual Career Couples - information and career profiles for faculty who were successful with being a dual career couple.
- Career Development webinar series 2011 - this front page to the 2011 Career Development webinar series links to each of the past webinar event pages, which contain ScreenCasts of the presentation, slides from the presentation that are available for download, and related references and resources on various topics in career development.
- Career Development Site Guide - links to projects across the SERC sites that are devoted to career development.
Grants and Research Funding:
- Funding your Research - information about how to write grant proposals with examples of successful proposals.
- GSA Graduate Student Grants
- [link http://web.archive.org/web/20171222235106/http://foundation.aapg.org/programs/gia/giaprogram.cfm 'AAPG Foundation Grants']
- Sigma Xi Grants-in-Aid of Research Program
- Undergraduate Project Funding Sources
- NSF Grant Programs
Research on Learning:
- Research on Teaching and Learning Site Guide
- Research on Learning in the Geosciences
- Earth and Mind Blog - The mission of the Earth & Mind blog is to facilitate discussion and discovery about how humans think and learn about the Earth and environment. Earth & Mind explores the intersection between Geosciences, Education and Cognitive Science