Academic Career Profiles

The life of a professor (or instructor) can vary greatly, because of the great variety of academic institutions. One way to assess whether a particular career track might be right for you is to read about the lives of people who have chosen that track -- what they do day to day, what the challenges and rewards of their jobs are, and so on. While none of the profiles below is meant to be "representative" of a particular academic setting, collectively they help to illustrate this variety. You can search the collection by highest degree granted (by their department), by typing text into the search box, or just by browsing.

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Resource Type: Academic

Results 1 - 10 of 107 matches

Career Profile: Jake Sewall part of Career Profiles
I have a B.S. in Geology from Washington and Lee University and received a Ph.D. in Earth Sciences from the University of California at Santa Cruz. The combined experience of private and public higher education ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Bachelor's degree

Career Profile: Rosemary Capo part of Career Profiles
Mine was a long and winding road, from an associate degree from University of Maryland's Munich, Germany campus, to the University of Texas at Austin, where I received my B.S and Master's degree in ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Ph. D.

Career Profile: Ankur Desai part of Career Profiles
Unlike most of the students who apply to our Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences graduate program, I was not obsessed with the weather since I was 6. I liked nature, especially the beaches and forests of New Jersey ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Ph. D.

Career Profile: Kyle Fredrick part of Career Profiles
I received my BS in Geology with a minor in Hydrogeology from the University of Wisconsin - River Falls in May 2000. After graduation, I completed an internship with the Environmental Management division of Dakota ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Bachelor's degree

Career Profile: Becca Walker part of Career Profiles
Educational background: B.A., Geology, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY Field camp, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID M.S., Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. I also completed the Certificate in ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Academic:2YC, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Associate's degree

Career Profile: Rajul Pandya part of Career Profiles
I did graduate work at the University of Washington investigating the large-scale organization of thunderstorms. During a post-doc at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), I had the chance to teach ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile, Academic

Career Profile: Sara Rathburn part of Career Profiles
BS, MS and PhD in geology, with MS and PhD concentrations in fluvial geomorphology. I completed both my BS and PhD at Colorado State University, and my MS at University of Arizona.

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Ph. D.

Career Profile: Jennifer Anderson part of Career Profiles
I grew up in eastern Wisconsin and went to the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, for my undergraduate degrees. I wanted to be an astronomer, so I started as an Astrophysics and Physics major. In my third year, ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Bachelor's degree

Career Profile: Matthew Kirby part of Career Profiles
Ever since high school, I knew I wanted to teach. But, it was not until my junior year at Hamilton College that I knew I wanted to teach at the college level. As a junior (1992), Dr. Eugene Domack offered me the ...

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Master's degree

Career Profile: David Budd part of Career Profiles
BA, 1976, The College of Wooster; MS, 1987 Duke University; PhD, 1984 The University of Texas at Austin; ARCO E&P thru 1986; faculty at University of Colorado at Boulder since 1987.

Resource Type: Academic: Career Profile:Academic, Career Profile
Highest Degree Granted by Dept: Ph. D.