Earth and Mind II: A Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences ( This site may be offline. ) (2012) Edited by K. Kastens, and C.A. Manduca, GSA Special Paper 486 (ISBN: 9780813724867)
GSA Press release about the book ( This site may be offline. )
How Geoscientists Think and Learn (2009) Kastens, K., C.A. Manduca, C. Cervato, R. Frodeman, C. Goodwin, L.S. Lieben, D.W. Mogk, T.C. Spangler, N.A. Stillings, and S. Titus, Eos Trans. AGU, 90(31), 265.
Synthesis of Research on Thinking and Learning in the Geosciences
Kim Kastens, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and Cathy Manduca, SERC, Carleton College, PIsThis project will synthesize existing knowledge and articulate unanswered questions in critical areas of research on cognition and learning relevant to the Geosciences. Geosciences encompass the study of the oceans, atmosphere, and solid earth, plus interactions between these physical systems and living systems. Within the domain of geoscience learning, our study will focus on four themes:
- geological time,
- complex systems of the Earth,
- spatial thinking in Geosciences and
- field-based learning.
Each of these areas plays a central role in how human beings think about the Earth and learn to think about the Earth, and each poses substantial cognitive challenges. In addition, we seek to understand how geoscientists integrate these different types of learning in drawing inferences about the Earth.
The centerpiece of our work plan is to gather a small group of experts in geosciences, geoscience education, research on learning, and cognitive science at an isolated field station for a week-long learning/brainstorming/writing retreat. The writing retreat will be preceded by a smaller two-day planning and scoping meeting, at which we articulate major questions on each of our four themes, and identify a subset that have sufficient research base to be ripe for synthesis. Our findings will be disseminated through a suite of papers in a special issue of the Journal of Geoscience Education, on the widely-used "Teach the Earth" Web Portal, and in a journal that reaches the learning sciences community. This plan builds on four years of continuing effort to strengthen the cognitive and learning sciences research base underpinning geoscience education.
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Sessions at Professional Society Meetings
2009 GSA Session: The Nature of Geoscience Expertise
See abstracts, posters, and presentations from participants in the session convened by the Synthesis group at the Geological Society of America meeting in Portland.
2010 AGU Session: The Development of Geoscientists: From Novice to Professional
See abstracts, posters, and presentations from participants in the session at the fall American Geophysical Union meeting in San Francisco.