Initial Publication Date: June 10, 2024

Inspiring Innovation: Two-Year College Geoscience Faculty as Agents of Change

Note: this workshop has already taken place.

The workshop will be held on Zoom over 5 consecutive Fridays: April 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12

12-4 ET / 11-3 CT / 10-2 MT/ 9 am-1 pm PT / 6-10 am Hawaii time

This work is supported by the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education through grant #2311369.

Workshop description

This workshop will provide opportunities for geoscience, environmental science, and other STEM faculty to discuss actionable changes that they could adopt, adapt, and implement in their instructional and other professional practices. The workshop will prompt faculty to consider how to improve their teaching, strategies for inclusion, and student mentoring skills.  We will address recruiting, retaining, and supporting STEM students at 2YCs and address barriers to 2YC faculty involvement in NSF proposals and provide support, feedback, and time for participants who wish to develop grant proposals.

Workshop goals

  • Explore aspects of effective teaching and learning; diversity, equity, and inclusion; and supporting students' career and transfer paths discussed in chapters of Catalyzing Change: STEM Faculty as Change Agents 
  • Consider ways to adopt or adapt strategies in your courses and/or other professional work  
  • Develop an implementation plan to catalyze changes in your program, department, campus, and/or beyond 
  • Learn more about National Science Foundation funding opportunities relevant to 2YCs and the proposal process
  • Expand the community of 2YC STEM faculty working as agents for change

Workshop Schedule

  • Days 1-3 will focus on effective teaching and learning; diversity, equity and inclusion; and supporting students' career and transfer paths. Sessions will provide concrete strategies and time to consider what you might adapt or adopt in your professional practice.  Day 3 will conclude with time to reflect on your plans for implementation.   
  • Days 4-5 will focus on moving faculty work forward with colleagues in your program, department, or campus; in collaborative projects with other institutions; and/or in plans for internal or external funding. Some implementation possibilities: share insights from the workshop with your department, identify next steps for a faculty workshop or other change effort, and develop ideas for an internal or external grant proposal.

Workshop organizers 

Workshop conveners: Eric Baer (Highline College), Heather Macdonald (William & Mary), Karen Layou (Reynolds College), and Becca Walker (Mount San Antonio College)

Session facilitators: More than 20 two-year college (2YC) faculty who are authors of chapters in Catalyzing Change: STEM Faculty as Change Agents 

Workshop participants

We welcome both individual participation from geoscience or environmental science two-year college educators (full-time and part-time) and groups of participants, composed of two or more full-time or part-time faculty from other STEM disciplines, including at least one geoscience or environmental science instructor, typically with all team members being from the same institution. Each participant would apply separately. 


We ask for your intentional commitment to participate in all 5 days of the workshop. We understand you may need to step out to teach or attend a meeting or may need to miss a day; you are still welcome to participate in the workshop.  

Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.