Institutional Development
Linn-Benton Community College
This work is affecting change at LBCC. Sharing of active learning resources is resulting in faculty outside of geoscience discussing and implementing more of these practices, and aligns with the program strand of supporting the academic success of all students. For instance, active learning posters (Acrobat (PDF) 3MB Feb6 19) are present in the biology part-time faculty office. Additionally, sharing of active learning posters with OSU geoscience faculty has resulted in discussions on how to improve pedagogy.
I am developing a new course in Environmental Justice, offered in winter 2020. While this course lies within the geoscience department, it meets the college's "difference, power, and discrimination," general education requirement. My hope is that this course appeals to a variety of STEM and non-STEM students, and helps some of these students discover, and possibly major in, geoscience. I also hope that the topical nature of the course appeals to a great diversity of students and broadens participation in geoscience.
Lastly, organized social gatherings between myself and part-time geoscience faculty foster a greater sense of collaboration and sharing of all of the three project strands.
In the coming year, I will focus on developing strategies for two institutional change goals. One goal is to continue to support STEM transfer students to OSU, using the LBOS-Geobridge program as a model. Another goal is to extend the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices beyond the geosciences. My strategy is to develop a STEM professional learning community at LBCC, with support from our Learning and Innovations Center. This community is open to all LBCC STEM instructors with interest in expanding their toolbox to support all students.
Chemeketa Community College
Institutional change is in its early stages. However, my department's work on shared curriculum through the creation of departmental lab books has been used as an institutional example of faculty collaboration for curriculum alignment as well as lowering classroom costs for students. My experiences through SAGE 2YC have allowed me to be a part-time faculty mentor at my outreach campus. I am asked periodically to observe classes and share the knowledge and resources gained through participation in this project with instructors who are looking to update their pedagogy practices.
My work as a change agent has also given me the confidence in my experience and knowledge to reach out farther from my campus and into the greater college community. During the spring of 2019, I was asked to join the bargaining for Chemeketa's faculty administration, I was also accepted to Chemeketa's Academic Standards Advisory Counsel, and will be presenting active learning techniques at the all staff retreat in the fall.