Team and Institutional Context

Dave Mrofka
Dave enjoys teaching field studies classes above others. He particularly enjoys seeing students "figure it out" on field trips. His research interests are Neoproterozoic climate change and its sedimentary record, specifically in the Dearth Valley region. His most exciting classroom professional development change is the creation of a structured writing program paired with an opportunity to receive peer review on presentations during a smaller group practice session. Institutionally, Dave is most excited about continuing his part in the department's development of a Geotechnical Career and Technical Education certificate.
Dave teaches Physical Geology, Field Studies courses for both Central and Southern California, California Geology, Earth Science, Global Climate Change and Historical Geology

Becca Walker
Becca has taught 3-4 week field courses in Hawai'i, Idaho/Wyoming/Utah, and the Sierras. She is co-author of InTeGrate's Climate of Change module and GETSI's Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes, Surface Process Hazards and Water Resources and Hazards (in press) modules. She is a co-PI for the ESTEM project, a field and career preparation program for students interested in environmental careers. In spring 2019, Becca taught in Seville, Spain as part of the Southern California Foothills Consortium Study Abroad program for 2YC students.
Becca teaches Physical Geology, Oceanography, Field Studies of Central California, Field Studies of Southern California, Special Topics in Field Geology, Historical Geology, and Natural Disasters.
Administrative Involvement
- Matthew Judd; Dean, Natural Sciences Division (2018-2019)
- Karelyn Hoover, Associate Dean, Natural Sciences Division (2016-2018)
Institutional Context
Mt. San Antonio College
Institution: Mt. San Antonio College is located in the greater Los Angeles area. It serves over 35,000 students, 53% of whom identify as Latino or Hispanic.
Geoscience program: The Earth Sciences and Astronomy Department at Mt. San Antonio College includes 9 full-time faculty and ~20 adjunct faculty and is part of the Natural Sciences Division. Our department offers over 150 sections of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy each academic year. Although the majority of students taking courses in our department do so to fulfill their General Education Physical Science requirement, we do have a cohort of students who intend to transfer to 4-year institutions as geoscience majors. Some of these students will earn an AA in Liberal Studies, Natural Sciences Emphasis and/or an AA in Environmental Studies before transferring.
Courses offered in the program include Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Oceanography, Environmental Geology, Field Studies of Central California, Field Studies of Southern California, Special Topics in Field Geology, Geology of California, Natural Disasters, Geology of the Solar System, Introduction to Astronomy, Introduction to Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe, Special Topics in Astronomy, and Special Topics in Geology.
Institutional demographic data is from IPEDS the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, U.S. Department of Education, typically for the 2014-15 year as available.