New York 2018 Regional Workshop Program

DATE: Friday, October 26, 2018

9:00-9:30: Registration & Coffee, rm 128 William J. Lindsay Building

9:30-9:45: Welcome and Opening Remarks

9:45-10:30: Gallery Walk: Understanding our Students

  • Brainstorming exercise to identify student perspectives
  • Sharing thoughts with the group

10:30-11:30 Speaker: Brian Vorwald, former president, Science Teachers Association of NY (STANYS), Adjunct Associate Professor Suffolk County Community College.

  • Prof. Vorwald will address the new science standards being implemented in K-12 schools across NY. These new standards will dramatically change how students experience science education and how these changes may influence student success at 2-year and 4-year institutions.

11:30-11:45 Break

11:45-12:30: Curriculum Mapping: Where, when, and how are our students exposed to program level goals?

12:30-1:00: Working Lunch-Continued discussion regarding addressing gaps in the development of program level outcomes.

1:00: 2:00: Retaining our Students: Aligning Course Assessments with Course and Program Objectives

    • Alignment of course assessment activities ensures students are meeting stated course (CLOs) and program (PLOs). Properly developed low-stakes assessments provides students practice on similar high-stakes activities and allows faculty to quickly monitor student learning and make adjustments in class to correct misconceptions. During this session participants will evaluate their current course assessment activities with respect to stated course and program objectives and will discuss activities that can be quickly and easily incorporated into their classes.
    • Alignment Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 17.1MB Oct25 18)

2:00-2:15: Break

2:15-3:30 Using Metacognition to Increase Success in Science Courses

  • Participants will learn about the learning process and how to incorporate metacognitive strategies into their classrooms to increase student success.
  • Metacognition Presentation (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 8.2MB Oct25 18)

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-4:00: Workshop evaluation and closing remarks