Team and Institutional Context

Initial Publication Date: July 10, 2019

Karen Braley

Karen is a professor at Daytona State College in the School of Biological and Physical Sciences. She is completing a dissertation in education assessment and evaluation that focuses on evaluating programs in higher education. Her background is in pharmacology and toxicology and she is interested in applied biochemistry in both the environment and the body.


Karen teaches Introduction to Chemistry, Biology 1 for Majors, Non-Majors Biology, Microbiology, Chemistry lab, Microbiology lab, and Biology lab.

Debra Woodall

Since joining the faculty at Daytona State College in 2008, Debra has helped to develop most of the geoscience curriculum at the College. In 2010, she founded the Institute of Marine and Environmental Studies and is its Director. She recently partnered with professional and community organizations to help create the College's first undergraduate research symposium.


Debra teaches Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Oceanography, Aquatic Environmental Science, and Coastal Ocean Studies in Biogeochemistry.

Administrative Involvement

  • Alycia Ehlert, Associate Vice President, College of Arts and Sciences (2016-2019)

Institutional Context

Daytona State College

Institution: Daytona State College has 6 campuses in and around Daytona Beach, located in east Central Florida. While it offers a few Bachelor's degrees, it is mostly a Associates degree granting institution. It serves over 20,000 students annually, of whom 61% are women, 8% are under 18, 42% are more than 24 years old, and 13% are Black. Five percent of their students are registered as having a disability.

Geoscience program: The geoscience program at Daytona State College has 2 full-time and 2 adjunct faculty. It offers courses in Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Oceanography, Meteorology, and Environmental Science. The Institute of Marine and Environmental Studies (IMES) is a part of the School of Biological and Physical Sciences and has almost 150 students seeking an AS degree in Environmental Science Technology or AA Transfer Track degrees in either Marine Science, Marine Biology, Environmental Science, or Ocean Engineering. Most students enroll in geoscience courses at DSC to complete their general education requirements; total enrollment in these courses typically exceeds 600 annually.

Institutional demographic data is from IPEDS, the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, U.S. Department of Education, typically for the 2014-15 year as available.