Team and Institutional Context

Rick Glover
Rick is an environmental chemist, balancing the the fields of environmental science and chemistry. He uses inquiry-based and experiential activities to teach both topics. He also views an important part of his work is building and connecting communities. You can read about how he works with students on environmental research projects such as microplastics, arsenic in rice, and neonicotinoids in this blog post from the American Chemical Society's The Nexus Blog.
Rick teaches environmental science and chemistry courses.

Dana Vukajlovich
Dana has been a full-time instructor at Bellevue College since 2015. She has an academic background in isotope geochemistry and oceanography. She is passionate about experiential learning and increasing diversity in STEM fields. She previously managed a science communication project, Portal to the Public Network, which built a network of museums and science centers that worked to prepare science professionals to engage public audiences in face-to-face interactions.
Dana teaches geology and oceanography courses.
Administrative Involvement
- Rob Viens, Dean, Science Division (2017-2019)
Institutional Context
Bellevue College
Institution: Bellevue College is located about 10 miles east of Seattle. It is a primarily a two-year college, although does offer some bachelor's degrees. It is the largest two-year college in the state, serving about 13,000 students each quarter. Eighteen percent of the students are Asian, and 11% are Hispanic/Latino. Six percent of students at Bellevue College are formally registered as having a disability and 40% take one or more classes online.
Geoscience program: Most of the ~3100 students in 106 sections of Earth and Space Science courses are taking the courses as a science elective to fulfill transfer requirements. There are no majors offered, but there is a Sustainability concentration offered for Associate's degrees. There are 9 full-time and 9 adjunct faculty who teach courses within the Earth and Space Sciences Department, however many of these faculty also teach courses in other departments, especially Life Sciences and Physical Sciences. The Earth and Space Sciences Department includes courses Oceanography, Geology, Astronomy, Meteorology, and Environmental Science and is within the Science Division of Bellevue College.
Institutional demographic data is from IPEDS the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System, U.S. Department of Education, typically for the 2014-15 year as available.