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Overturned Synclinal and Anticlinal Bend Folds: Characteristics, Symbology and Possible Implications for Structural Interpretations
Brian Swanson, California Geological Survey
Adolph Yonkee, Weber State University
Using Societally Relevant Problems to Engage Students in Structural Geology
Phil Resor, Wesleyan University
Transverse Faults and their Role in Himalayan Tectonics and Hazards: a Solukhumbu Example
Mary Hubbard, Montana State University-Bozeman
Tectonic evolution of the Coyote Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex (AZ)
Raphael Gottardi, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Beyond Hand Samples: Bringing the Outcrop to the Students with Architectural Rock Slabs
Peter Lippert, University of Utah
A Neogene Shortening Budget for the Eastern Alaska Range: Implications for Strain Transfer in the Crust
Trevor Waldien, University of California-Davis
Extracting Fold Form for Scientific Investigations and Education
Mattathias Needle, University of Washington-Seattle Campus
Spatial variation in strain localization along the Cordillera Blanca Shear Zone (CBSZ), Peru
Cameron Hughes, The University of Tennessee